The Next Mission : Clash Of St. Anne Part 1

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Surge Sparks frowned deeply when he saw his Alolan Raichu tangled between the overgrown vines.

He was pretty confident that after setting up the Electric Terrain, his victory would be guaranteed...But now? He wasn't so sure...Those vines were so thick and littered with sharp prickly thorns...And those green flames around the Ivysaur...He was convinced that he hadn't seen anything like that before.

But years of experience finally showed Surge something that he could take advantage of...Ivysaur had summoned those vines but he couldn't control them. Otherwise Raichu would have been crushed the moment he entered the binding. Narrowing his eyes Surge barked out to Raichu, "RAI! Use your Psychic to deal with the binds. Then Psyshock on Ivysaur!"

Raichu struggled for a bit before his eyes started to glow an ethereal pink color. The vines went limp and Ivysaur found whatever small amount of control he had over those vines slipping away from him. Suddenly a pulse of psychic energy sent those vines flying away as Alolan Raichu became free of his bindings.

Before Ash could command his Ivysaur to dodge, a very concentrated blast of pinkish energy slammed into Ivysaur and sent him flying to the other end of the battlefield with a thunderous boom.

It seemed whatever Overgrow boost Ivysaur received was enough to keep him awake after tanking the supereffective psychic type attack.

Meanwhile Ash on the other end of the battlefield let out a sigh...He knew this was going to happen actually. He just wanted Ivysaur to make sure to grapple Raichu in his vines once...Why? The vines were poisonous. And Raichu spent about 2 minutes struggling inside them. He must have inhaled atleast some poison.

Now...He only needed to survive until the poison takes effect. Ash was sure Kirlia could atleast stall Raichu for 10 minutes...The antennas were gone...So Raichu atleast won't be able to detect him from his clones...And even if Kirlia couldn't stall Raichu then there was Charmeleon. With his decision made, Ash quickly recalled his fallen Ivysaur into his Pokeball and took out the one for Kirlia.

The psychic fairy pokemon appeared on the battlefield with a flash and looked at Ash with a blank look that screamed, '...Okay...How much did you screw up?'

Ash would have chuckled sheepishly but...Nah. He was just that much of a bastard. With a straight face he replied, '...Quite a bit actually...Don't worry. You just need to stall...About 6 or 8 minutes or so...'

'Yeah...And that will be a piece of cake I'll guess?' Kirlia retorted sarcastically with a scowl.

'...Whatever...Just start with Double Team...'


And the match started.


Apparently stalling a Raichu with Surge Surfer in electric terrain was as easy as a trying to subdue a Moxie Salamence on steroids.

The battlefield was a wreck. There was no spot on the ground that wasn't covered in poisonous vines or craters of all kinds and sizes. Kirlia was tired. And it was showing too. Only 9 of his clones remained on the battlefield trying to distract Raichu from using Psyshock on the original Kirlia.

One of the Kirlia clones teleported in front of Raichu and then teleported right back, taunting him.

Meanwhile, Surge was getting annoyed. Ash had destroyed his towers and antenna and so there was no way to distinguish original Kirlia from clones. It has been almost 4 minutes since Ash brought Kirlia onto the battlefield. Of course Surge knew what Ash was trying to do...He was stalling for time so that Ivysaur's poison could take effect.

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