We've got a sore loser here!

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Montreal, Canada.

When I woke up on the seater, Lance wasn't there anymore and I was hugging a pillow. Did last night really even happen?

I had more questions then answers after what had just happened. I saw a little note on the desk.

Good morning Nat!
You were sleeping really peacefully when I woke up for training, I didn't want to disturb your sleep.
I'm not sure when you'll be up but go get some breakfast and freshen up!
My chauffeur will take you to the first spot we have to explore today, see ya real soon ;)

Okay, this boy was unreal. Kind, charming and so thoughtful! I'm so lucky, I have to tell Erica about everything when I check into the hotel and meet her at last.

His chefs had a big spread of breakfast ready for me, pancakes, waffles, fresh fruits, coffee and just about everything I loved to eat for breakfast.

After stuffing myself with food I hopped into the shower, this is when I realised I haven't spoken to him yet.

I haven't got closure as to where we stand, what am I ? Was he romantically interested in me? Where was this headed? Is this some infatuation or something meaningful?

I was greeted by his chauffeur at the door who led me to the car we were taking to see Montreal. I got in, head still filled with a storm I had stirred.

The only way it would go away would be by answers from him but how do I bring it up without making it awkward?

"We're here miss." The chauffeur alerted me.

I thanked him and got out of the car, in front of me was a building with a sign that read "Arcade MTL", I walked in and was hit with a wave of nostalgia.

It was like revisiting my childhood, it had every kind of arcade game I could think of. Even games that existed before I did! This was going to be a fun day!

"Do you like it?" A hesitant voice asked.

"Like? I love it!" I beamed, turning to him.

"What are we waiting for! Let's get playing!" He cheered heading straight towards street fighter ll. He got so competitive and so did I.

All my questions disappeared, for I was too busy trying to beat him. What started off as fun was now getting seriously competitive.

"I beat you fair and square!" He yelled.

"The game's rigged! I swear the fighter just wouldn't turn, again!" I huffed.

"We've got a sore loser here." He laughed ruffling my hair.

I crossed my arms and let out and angry sigh. People were starting to recognise him and so he decided it was time to leave.

We got into the car and drove away to the next place on his list.

"Where were you all morning?" I asked him.

"Training, I went for a run and then the gym."

"You could have at least come back for breakfast." I said without trying to sound amorous.

"I was back, but you were still sleeping so I decided to have some arrangements done for today."


"You'll see!" He winked at me.

Oh Lance! You just leave me with more questions than answers every time I ask you something. Will I ever be able to get a sign out of you.

The car stopped and Lance said it was time to get off, it was time to explore the old part of the city.

The structures were beautiful, they had an old world charm almost felt like I was in France and the cobblestone paths only added to it.

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