Like sunshine, isn't she?

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Barcelona Spain,

It was warm and pleasant when we reached the city,I put on my sunglasses in attempt to look cool and secondly to protect my eyes.

"Those don't suit your face Nat, please shop for a better pair." Tim snickered putting on his designer sunglasses.

"Hey mister rich boy, some of us can only afford H&M ones." I protested.

Erica laughed at our childish fight because we all knew that in reality, she pulled them off the best. She's effortlessly chic and she rubs it in our faces! Tim whined.

We checked into our rooms and freshened up. I decided that we should all laze around the pool until Erica and I had to attend lunch with the grid. I was super excited for it! I was going to see all my clowns after such a long time.

"Hot boy at 3 o'clock." Tim whispered before sinking into his lounge chair.

"Cute but just not it." Erica examined the said boy while I still looked for the person they were talking about.

"Where!?" I asked in rage because I didn't  want to miss out on eye candy.

"Stop behaving like a hillbilly!" Tim quipped, "He's looking at you now, act calm."


"Erica why are you friends with this creature again? Fun person? WHERE!?" He mimicked me.

"For the hundredth time, Stop bickering! Sink into your chairs, drink some ice tea and stare at cuties." Erica grumbled.

I relaxed for a while and downed 3 ice teas or maybe more, I lost count after my third refill. My phone went berserk with a bunch of notifications, it could only be one human; Our dearest Arthur.

This is your reminder that your lame self has been invited to join 20 of the coolest people on Earth.

Wasn't he the sweetest? While I thought of a snarky message to reply to him my phone buzzed again, this time it was Lance asking about my flight and reminding me that we were going to meet in some time. I sent them both a thumbs up and told Erica that it was time for us to get dressed and head out.


We arrived to the venue Lance had asked us to meet, it was a charming place that was away from the bustling center of the city.

The place looked like a ruined medieval palace with greenery creeping its way through wherever it could.

The host politely smiled and asked if we had a reservation.

"We're with Lance." Erica smiled.

"Ah the big group, follow me." the host smiled before leading us to where the group was siting.

Right in front of my eyes, was the largest table on the floor with the happiest people dining on it. They were having a good time and one laugh echoed in my ears, it caught my attention.

This melody belonged to Charles, he looked so perfect. Watching him in his element made me smile like an idiot.

"Look who's here!" Lance hollered.

"Natalie! Ma puce!" Arthur grinned before pulling me into a bear hug.

"Hi guys, thanks for having me!" Erica said doing jazz hands.

She too was bear hugged by Arthur and Lance, she was surprised at first but then laughed. We sat down between Lance and Arthur, far away from Alex and Daniel.

Daniel who looked rather stunned after seeing me here, Alex was pleasantly surprised and asked me how I was doing and told me Lily was going to be at Monaco  and couldn't wait to meet me again.

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