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Spielberg, Austria

For the first time in a while, I didn't have a face to look forward to when I entered the paddock. Well, there was one face, he was right there but the distance between us could not be diminished.

I gave him a smile when our eyes met, he returned the grin but the emptiness in his eyes was something I could never forget. What was happening? Why didn't I have any control over it? For the first time the pace of work in the paddock felt slow.

It was Friday, Erica didn't have anything for me to do. Becky and Elena were in the breakroom and Tim would lose it if he saw me there. I stood in the balcony overlooking the pitlane, there he was absorbed in conversation with his engineers and mechanics.

"Periwinkle, get out of the balcony and put these flowers in the vases!" I heard Tim holler.

"Coming!" I yelled jogging to the entrance.

He dumped the bundles into my arms and asked me to get to work, without a second thought I got down to it. There was something about arranging these flowers that brought me a lot of peace, doing the task brought a smile on my face. We had a few flowers to spare so I put them on the tables outside too.

"Tim, I'm done. Do you need me to do something else?" I asked him.

"Nothing, go sit outside and stay put until I call you." He replied.

I sat on the chairs outside and watched the people rush past, everyone was so busy. Everyone was in a hurry, going about their business quickly, walking fast, talking loud and here I was, sitting on chair, watching everything go past so fast; While I sat still.

"Boop!" A voice distracted me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked up to see who it was.

"Hi there! You were completely zoned out I thought giving you a little boop on the nose would bring you back." Mick joshed.

"Hey! Yeah, for the first time in a while I've been able to sit perfectly still!"

"How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Much better! I don't mind talking to people! How are you doing?"

"That's better! I'm doing good, on my way for a quick track walk." He pointed.

"Alright then, see ya later!"

"Bye!" He waved before walking away, he turned around to say something," Now, that's the girl I saw here on my first day, big smile and bright eyes."

He really was a kind boy who knew what to say and when to say to make someone feel good. His words brought a smile on my face, saying them probably didn't mean much to him but the boost of confidence they brought to me was immense.

I noticed a person, who could possibly be a guest looking around. Maybe they were lost, I decided to approach them and ask them if they needed help.

"Hi! I'm Natalie, I noticed you were looking a little lost. Are you looking for someone ma'am?"

She turned to me, her face looked familiar but unknown to me at the same time. Her furrowed eyebrows finally released, she looked less tense.

"Thank God! I'm actually looking for something not someone."

"Do you need help?"

"Yes please! Can you walk me to the McLaren unit? I know how stupid of me just look for the bright orange place-"

"No! Not at all, I'll take you there." I smiled swallowing a lump in my throat.

I'll be fine right? Daniel and I were all good now and Lando was on track for a walk. Nothing to be awkward about, I gave myself a pep talk in my head. We started walking towards the unit.

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