Is it because of a boy?

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Circuit De Monaco, Monte Carlo

It was Thursday morning and Erica was back to being  the capable chief she was, forcing her to sleep through a day did work but rubbing it in her face didn't seem like a good idea.

"Periwinkle, go put up the umbrellas for the outdoor seating."

"On it!" I beamed picking up the ginormous umbrellas placed on the ground.

"Erica, this place feels narrow, do we need outdoor seating? They can always sit in the balcony?" I expressed my concerns.

The streets of Monte Carlo are very narrow as it is, our hospitality unit too felt quite tight despite being the most luxurious I had come across so far.

"Alright, just go stand outside then." She replied.

"But why?"

"There's not much space! Now shoo!" She teased me.

Today was media day, I saw the teams and their drivers walking around discussing schedules for the day. I noticed Callum and waved at him, he returned the wave with a big smile.

Soon, I saw mom and Pops walk through the gates, I was overjoyed! It had been so long since I saw them, they were both beaming. I ran towards them and gave them both a big hug.

"Natalie! Sweetie we've missed you so much." Pops smiled giving me a big squeeze.

"You look so different! Your skin and hair look healthy !" Mom squealed giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so so so happy I might explode!" I admitted, "Though I'm curious what strings you pulled to get into the paddock on a Thursday."

"Silly child, did you forget your dad works for liberty media?" My mom playfully scolded me.

My bad! I threw my hands in the air, I walked them to the hospitality unit. I told them to have fun and explained how I wasn't allowed inside because the place was packed.

"So what are you going to do?" Pops asked me.

"I don't know? Just stand around until Someone yells at me?" I laughed.

"Natalie! Hey!" A familiar voice called out.

I turned around to see who it was, none other than the boy who had my heart; Charles. He was walking towards me with a big smile on his face, that gave me butterflies.

I could se my mom smirking in the corner of my eye but that didn't stop me from giving Charles a hug and feeling like I would melt in his arms if I could.

"Rolling in quite late Mr. Charles, does home Grand Prix give you a sense of comfort?"

"Of course! I'm not late, I'm always on time! You showed up early."

I could see my parents eagerly waiting to be introduced so I obliged.

"Mom, pops, this is Charles, Charles meet mom and pops!"

"It's a pleasure meeting you, the creators of incredible Natalie!" He beamed while shaking hands with them.

He had an effect on me, did he mean them or just saying words? Whatever his intentions were, didn't change the way my body responded to them, I was blushing.

"He's so charming!" My mom said to my dad, loud enough for Charles to hear, for him to know he's being praised.

"Are you seeing each other?" My mother interrogated him.

Oh God! Way to jump the gun mom! I was so taken by panic I couldn't even open my mouth to say a word.

"Oh no we're not! She's a really good friend to me, besides she has someone else on her mind doesn't she?" He winked at me.

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