I've made this mistake before

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Marina Bay, Singapore

The week went by, Erica and Tim were here and I explored the city with them. I avoided Callum like he was the plague.

Now before you judge me, let me just remind you of everything that's happened because I fell for someone I shared a good friendship with.

Lance had been so kind to me, he even showed me around town. He let me live at his place for a while but the minute I admitted I felt something, it came down crashing and burning. His indecisiveness was the fall of it all, not only did I lose a love interest, I lost a good friend too.

Lando, our friendship was destroyed beyond salvation. I couldn't even look him in the eye anymore without thinking about all the laughs and tender moments we've shared. I really did fall fast and hard for him, but his insecurities were something he had to deal with by himself.

He pushed me so far away I couldn't help him even if I wanted to. Did it hurt? Yes it did, it hurts so much. Maybe it was for the best but I lost one of the most precious boys as a friend.

It was Friday morning, I was eating breakfast with Erica and Tim. Filling them in about the concert and the days I spent without them.

"Wait so you haven't spoken to him after the concert?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, I don't want things to be awkward."

"You are literally making them awkward!"

"But why aren't you talking to him?" Erica asked.

"Oh yeah I think I missed this tiny detail where we sang the lyrics to I want something just like this gazing into each other's eyes."

"Natalie!" The exclaimed in unison.


"That's so dreamy! What's the matter then?"

"I may be catching feelings." I bit my lip.

"And that's bad because?"

"I've made this mistake in the past! I'm not willing to lose a friend over feelings."

"How are you going to deal with those emotions?"

"Bury them deep inside and hope they go away, I'll never acknowledge them." I smiled.

"Terrible idea honestly, but if that's what helps you sleep at night. You do you." Tim replied.

"Well, we don't have to report till 5, what are you planning to do?" Erica asked us.

"I'll be at the lounge-"

"Picking up hot people." We finished his sentence in unison.

"I've become that predictable? Gosh. What are you doing Chatty Nattie?"

"Chatty Nattie doesn't want to run into Callum so she's going back to her room and shall emerge only during work hours." I sighed.

"Are you sure? If you feel alone or need someone to talk to literally just call me. I'm going for Lunch with Pierre but I will ditch him if you need me."

"Woah there's no need to ditch me!" We heard Pierre.

"You're here!" She smiled before pulling him in for a hug.

"Why am I being ditched?" He asked.

"Well, Nat here is in a situation. Am I allowed to tell him?"

"Go on tell him." I urged her.

Erica gave me warm smile, looked at Pierre and told him the whole story. He sat there intently listening to everything and taking it all in. Occasionally nodding as I chimed in to add further details.

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