Back To The Grind.

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It was time, Race day was finally here. Today, I was going to get to shadow Tim as he as greeted  everyone at the gate of the paddock. 

I was called down here on Wednesday, I spent every minute preparing myself for today. I was so excited! And nervous. And nauseous. And overwhelmed. I was basically prepared for the worst. 

I still haven't completely recovered from the whole episode last time I was at the track. Shit happens. I am still so confused about Arthur! Why did he not tell me he was a driver with Ferrari, not just "with" Ferrari.

"Is someone's brain running at one million miles per hour again?" 

I looked up from my cup of coffee it was Erica. What a sight for sore eyes! She sat down opposite to me and took a bite into her muffin. 

"Yup! Welcome to the overthinkers' club." I replied.

 We talked about the days we spent with our families, she really wanted to know about what was bothering me but I didn't want to sound ignorant or stupid so I just brushed it off.

"Good afternoon ladies, I believe we all have to get into position now? Yes?" Tim announced  as he approached our table. 

"Absolutely right Tim, today's the day. Natalie will be with you. Remember the talk that evening?" Erica said as she stood up.

 "Mon Dieu. Erica, we are friends, Why must you hurt me like this?" He sighed dramatically.

 "Am I really THAT annoying?" I asked him.

 Tim simply nodded his head. Erica laughed and told us to stop bickering like children or she would throw us both out of here. 

Works for me! I thought to myself.

Tim asked me to follow him, we started walking towards the entrance gates of the paddock. He handed me a piece of paper and asked me to read it


*Always walk behind me.

* Do NOT bother the guests.

*Try and avoid speaking too much. If possible, do not speak at all.

*Take down notes and note down questions if you have any.

*Don't talk to me when I'm dealing with the guests.

*Please make yourself  invisible if possible.

Ouch! He sure knew how to be snarky, I didn't realize I had outpaced him. He was walking behind me.

"You already broke the first rule Periwinkle. Three strikes and I'll make send you back to our unit. Can we play that?" 

" You're on buddy!" I said playfully. 

" Good, you have two strikes left." He scoffed. 

Dear God, please give me the strength to not end someone today.

We stood at the side of one of the gates , he, very visible and I almost hidden by the pass scanner. 

"Hope you're happy Tim, I am invisible!" I said doing Jazz hands. 

He let out a chuckle, "You're actually a very funny person. You just happen to be at the wrong places at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing." 

"Thanks! I only heard the being a funny person part. I'm trying to focus more on being a positive person." 

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