Lost in Japan

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Suzuka, Japan

Autumn was kicking in, the Russian Grand Prix went by smoothly once I came to term with the fact I can't outrun feelings. I could simply let them be there and choose not to act on them, Callum made it hard but it wasn't impossible.

After a fourteen hour flight, an hour's road journey and terrible jetlag we were in Suzuka. Japan was electric, it was vibrant and neon. The colours, lights and lifestyle was alluring.

The city was beautiful, the fast paced atmosphere and the difference from all the places I had been to allured me to it.

We reached our hotel, which yet again was very modern and sleek. The rooms were smaller than usual but were so well planned, I was in love with the bathroom. After a long shower and a belly full of good Japanese food I decided to check in on Mom and pops.

"Hello mom!"

"My baby! How are you doing?"

"We reached Suzuka and the city is beautiful! The iconic Ferris wheel is ginormous!"

"It's a great city isn't it! How's your room?"

"Much like you and Pops had warned, small but it's extremely sleek and practical."

"So when do you have to get to work?"

"Well, it's Monday night, work starts from Wednesday so I have the whole of tomorrow to cope with my terrible jetlag."

"We told you that you could have flown down the previous week! You didn't have to come home after Sochi."

"I needed fresh clothes woman!" I laughed.

"Ah yes, our home is now Nat's laundromat. Are you hearing this Paul?"

"Oh I'm hearing all of it!" I heard pops laugh.

"I've sent you a million pictures and I'll start looking for souvenirs tomorrow." I yawned.

"Alright love, go to sleep and cope with that jet lag of yours. Good night! Sweet dreams!" She ended the call.

Just when I set down my phone to go to sleep, it rang again. After much whining and mental screaming I picked up the phone, it was Callum.

"Hey." I yawned.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Oh no I was heading to bed, what's up?"

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm terribly jet lagged Callum, my head hurts and before you say pop an aspirin I will slap you."

"That was going to be my suggestion, we'll go whenever you fully wake up. I really want to go."


"To this park! They have an illumination and flowers and all that, it's beautiful. Arthur already agreed, you HAVE to come."

"I don't know Callum-"

"And before you back out, no Lando won't be there plus I have to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"You'll only know if you come okay bye! See ya tomorrow!" He ended the call.

Way to go Callum, you're making me so nervous now. No one ends things with "I need to ask you something." The anticipation was killing me, I was going to have a have a hard time trying to sleep.

As expected, I woke up the next morning in a terrible mood from the lack of sleep. It was chilly, I put on a big hoodie. I looked at the mirror and realised my dark circles were too big to be covered with make up.

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