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It was Thursday morning, our unit was swarmed with promoters who were here for the media day. I was put on host duties this weekend.

I met lots of interesting people and had engaging conversations with them, this world was colourful and I loved every bit of it.

"Natalie! Is that you?" A feminine voice called out.

I recognised that voice, as comforting as it felt I resented it. I may have eyes for someone else now but healing from past wounds was a process.

"Hello Lily! How are you doing today?" I beamed even though I was dying on the inside.

"I'm doing great, plus I'm not lost today!" She laughed.

How could I hate her? She was so sweet and genuine, as much as it hurt me I wouldn't wish the worst for her.

"What brings you here today? Aren't guests not allowed until Tomorrow?" I enquired.

"You see that's the fun part, I'm here to interview! Golf Digest has let me be their guest writer for an upcoming issue!" She beamed.

"That's awesome!" I beamed, "Can I get you something? Something to eat or something to sip on?" 

"Look at you Nat! You're killing it!" She cheered.

It felt good. She was such a genuine person, oh Lily! You're so precious! Definitely not letting stupid feelings feelings for a boy come in the way of our friendship.

"So what have you thought of?" I asked.

"Women of F1. For long it's been a male dominated territory and now we've got young women like you and so many more! I want to do a piece on all of you!" Her eyes were sparkling.

"Lily, you are so precious. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Oh stop it will you! I'm blushing!" She murmured.

"When you and your friend Erica get a break can you please tell me? I'll be lurking around." She stated.

"Of course!" I beamed.

We ended our day with a casual chat with Lily. The three of us sipped on tea while spilling beans, this is how it was supposed to be I thought to myself.

It had been only a few months since I knew Erica and a week since I knew Lily and the bond I had formed with both of them felt irreplaceable. It is true, having a strong support system of wonderful women does make you a stronger woman yourself.

It was Race day, all the interns were hanging around before the day began. By now everyone had gotten to spend time with Tim and either respected him or was frightened of him.

"Not having Tim breathe down my neck for once feels good!" I joked.

"You dodged a bullet!" Jack sighed, "He's so intimidating."

"Looks like you're not the only one he gave a hard time to." Elena laughed.

All the interns were such sweet people, they made me realise that I wasn't the only one new to this place. We may not be on the same boat but we were certainly facing the same sea.

"Becky and Natalie to the host stand please." We heard Erica holler.

She stood at the stand with a list in her hand, Erica was in her element. She was my boss right now, no goofing around.

"That's Matt, he'll be keeping an eye on you. Today both of you will be at the stand. While one of you seats the guests, the other one will be here at all times. Am I clear?" She commanded.

Crystal. We said in unison and took the list from her. We went through it,  it had names of prominent people from the business world and glamour world.

"Listen up, we're even expecting Mister Lawrence Stroll to pop in to meet some possible sponsors. No screw ups on our end." She glared at us.

We took our spot behind the host stand. Becky said she was more comfortable with greeting people and rather have me seat the guests, I had no problem with that and we had hence divided workload.

Industrialists and business leaders started showing up around the time they said they'd be here while  the glamorous ones showed up fashionably late.

The race had begun, the guests were starting to settle down now. Becky and I had a quick break, I finally had the chance to look up at the screen and see how the boys were doing.

"Go entertain the guests! Pour more alcohol down their throats!" Erica giggled

That's what we did, mingled with the guests and refilled their glasses while they talked about themselves.

I was walking to the balcony with more champagne when I bumped into someone. I profusely apologised  and hoped that I had caused no damage to them.

"Oh no no! No harm done here. Are you alright dear?" A kind voice enquired.

"I'm so sorry sir, I'm fine! Thank you sir." I mumbled.

"Natalie... Periwinkle." He said out loud as he squint to read the name on my ID.

"Yes sir. That's the name to remember if you've got to complain to the manager!" I joked.

"You see Gary! This is exactly why we need more young people in the paddock." He said to the equally well dressed man next to him.

I excused myself to go serve more drinks. Erica was so going to end me today, she had one condition; Don't screw up around Mister Stroll and here I was, nearly pouring Champagne all over him.

I saw her glare at me from the other side of the room, I was so definitely losing my internship today. To my surprise, Tim stood up for me.

"No harm done Erica, you saw that too! Give the kid a break." Tim explained to her.

"You're defending Periwinkle!? Did you become friends behind my back?" Erica joked.

"Yeah, we had a spa day and braided each other's hair yesterday." He rolled his eyes.

Things were soon back on track and running smoothly, they kept featuring Charles on TV who was doing a splendid job at holding back his competitors.

Just the way he carried himself gave me butterflies, he was electric. Even the visor can't dull the brilliance of his eyes, the brilliance he radiated.

"He's a dreamboat." Becky sighed.

Her voice snapped me out of my daydream and set me back into the chaos around me. There was commotion of the cars zooming by, the chattering of people, clinking of glasses and yet I had managed to stood there dreaming.

The world will never be the same
And you're to blame
Oh it's what you do to me.

These lines took over my mind as I tackled work. My smile when I talked to guests wasn't fake anymore.

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