Mystery girl

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London —> Spielberg

The same routine every time, get up, grab suitcases, load them on the car, eat a bite and then off to the airport. Mom was really tired so we decided to let her rest, I could call her once I landed.

Pops dropped me off and left for work, he wanted to be early there for some reason. After wandering around in the terminal and getting a few glances, Erica was finally here.

"I missed you so much!" I hugged her.

"Girl, I was literally with you the whole time."

"You were wrapped up in your boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

"You're just bitter!" She scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk ahead, we could finally check in. We checked our stuff in and sat near the gates for a while. Erica offered to go grab coffee and left to to get some.

She noticed that I felt a little bit uncomfortable today, she asked me what was going on.

"I don't know, I keep feeling like everyone is looking at me." I admitted.

"Because they are, I don't know how you're going to feel about this. Have a look for yourself." She handed over a tabloid she had tucked under her arms.

The tabloid had  pictures of me and Lando from when we were walking to the park, neither of us were aware that we were being photographed. Mystery girl makes a reappearance. The heading read.

I felt sick, physically tired. They had no business butting into what was happening in my life, they didn't even know who I was. It made my heart hurt knowing that there were people walking around with this in their hands, thinking God knows what to themselves.

I had no control over any of it. The media was going to twist tales and create a relationship I wanted but will probably never exist. Maybe it's for the best.

"You still haven't explained any of this to me." Erica brought me back to reality.

"Oh yeah! Long story short I had my heart broken again." I sighed.

"Periwinkle!" She gave me a big hug.

We boarded the flight, I told her everything. From the start, the fight with Arthur, the evening I spent with Lando and the day I realised I may be falling and he was too. I cried in her arms about how much it hurt, how I never wanted to be vulnerable again.

Yet, I had no control over it. Against my will I wore my heart on my sleeve. I don't think being an expressive person in a blessing at all.

"Why are you crying over a boy that doesn't realise what you're worth?"

"Let's be honest Eri, we all know I ain't shit. I'm short, I'm average looking and I don't even have a good personality."

"I will literally slap you if you say any of that ever again. You are an absolutely stunning human being and you light up every room you walk into. You put a smile on everyone's faces and your humour cracks us all up."

I didn't have words, she made me feel so loved. She made me feel like I was invincible, I could run the world if I put my mind to it. I tried giving her a side hug for how good she made me feel.

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