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Shanghai international circuit

I would definitely not describe this as a lazy afternoon. Yet again, Sunday was here and the circuit was bustling with people. Erica was assigning work to our five people strong army of interns.

"Periwinkle, we have a lot of paddock guests today so you'll be at the gate with..." 

"Timothy. I know." I rolled my eyes. 

"You can take Elena with you if that makes you feel better!" She beamed hoping to salvage the damage.

"I hear I'm working with my favourite again?" Tim said sarcastically looking at me. 

"Yes, you'll also have   Elena with you. Please be nice Tim!" Erica exclaimed. 

"Wait Tim? Why does everyone make me think you're horrid?" Elena said as her dove eyes widened even more. Because he is! I chuckled. 

"Mon Cheri, why are you forcing all the interns down my throat? Erica, did my chicken dance at the club mean nothing to you?" He sighed ever so dramatically.

We took our positions near the gate; At either ends, Elena next to me because at this point she was frightened of Timothy from our tales. 

I explained to Elena what exactly we were doing while she diligently noted everything down. At the corner of my eye, I noticed a swarm of bright orange approaching. Yikes, for how long was I going to hide? I took deep breaths preparing myself to face whatever could happen next.

Lando walked past and gave me a curt nod which I returned with a smile and then came Daniel. Ugh what was I supposed to do? I just stood there still hoping he wouldn't notice me. It worked, he was too immersed in his music to even realise what was happening around him.

I was parched and the crowd was starting to settle, Elena offered to stand in while I went and grabbed some water for the three of us. As I walked there, I was still trying to open the bottle of water. 

I gave them both a bottle each and stood behind Elena still trying to open the bottle. Who makes these flimsy little shits? Is it just me or do packaged drinking water companies make sure you can't open the bottle when you're on the verge of dehydration?

"Oh my Gosh not only is this human tiny but it's also got no might! Give it here!" I heard a familiar voice laugh at me. 

I looked up, it was Arthur! Obviously. Who else would say that? I scanned his pass for him as he opened my bottle of water.

"Howdy Nat?" 

"I'm doing good kind sir." 

"See you after the race!" He smiled before literally running away. 

"No Shaarl! That's not fair! You know I was talking to my friend and you started the sprint race!" He hollered as he ran towards his brother. 

Elena and I burst into peals of laughter.

"Ha ha ha yes indeed very funny. Back to work ladies." Tim said with a tone of indifference. Both of us continued to chuckle, look at each other's faces and giggle.

"Also, you're now friends with Arthur?" He enquired. 

"Yeah! He's really cool!" I said. 

"Show off." He scoffed. 

"Oh my! He really is horrid!" Elena whispered to me.

Once we were done with our work at the gate, we walked back to our unit, sat down with the other interns who were on their break in the cafeteria.

 Elena narrated what we saw at the gates to all of them and we were all laughing again.
I was informed by someone that Erica was looking for me. I went up to Erica.

"Natalie! Sweetie! Be a doll and please help her out." She said to me before diverting my attention to the girl who was standing in front of the host's table. 

She looked about the same age as me. She was stunning! Clear and almost porcelain like skin, sharp eyes and brows and a dainty nose. Her hair was silky, lustrous and coal coloured.

"Hi! I'm Lily and I'm lost." She said. 

"An American!? Music to my ears!" I squealed, " Can I please give you a hug?" 

She laughed and stretched her arms out to pull me in for a hug.

"Getting back to you. How can I help you?" I asked. 

"I'm a guest of RedBull and I can't find my way there." She looked tired.

 I offered her to first come in and grab something to drink because she seemed a little tired. She happily obliged and we were were on our way.

"Bare with me! I'm new here and so things take time to register and I'm so sorry if I've weirded you out." I rambled. 

"You? Weird? Nope. You're pretty cool..." she squinted looking at the pocket of my shirt trying to read my name. 

"Natalie! Natalie Periwinkle but you can call me Nat!" 

I beamed at her. She asked me about my day and how new I was to this place. I told her this was my third race and first time leading a guest to a place.

"I'm honoured Nat! I'm truly honoured to be the first person you have helped get to a place in the paddock." She said doing a curtsy. 

We both burst into laughter. She was quite an interesting person and I hope I see her in more races. We continued walking and chatting, I felt like I was just hanging around with a friend rather than on duty.

"And we're here, go have fun at RedBull Lily!" I said waving her goodbye. 

"Thanks so much! If I get bored I'm going to come stand at your door praying for you to pop out of there!" 

"I really want to hangout! You better ask RedBull to invite you next race weekend too!" "Oh yes I will!" She said giving me a wink before walking away.

Nobody had sent for me or was calling for me, so I decided to take my sweet time walking back as I admired the evening sky, I was still in awe of Shangahai's skyline. 

I pulled my phone out to take a quick picture of the sky, and sat down on a chair outside the hospitality center.

"Good evening!" I heard a chirpy voice with a definite Australian accent say. I peered to see who it was.

"KYM ILMAN! YOU ABSOLUTE ICON!" I rambled in joy, he truly is iconic. The videos he makes on YouTube and the pictures he's taken helped me understand the sport a little better.

"Would it be alright if I took some pictures of you for my Instagram?" 

"Characters of the paddock?" 

"Yes indeed!" 

"I'd be happy to!" I said flashing my best smile. 

He took a few shots of me and then enquired more about my role and told me to stay tuned to his YouTube and Instagram.

The race was about to start so I headed in. Instantly, I was given work to do. Refilling the guest's glasses with a beverage of their choice, serving them their dishes, seating them and engaging in conversations with them.

I looked up at the TV screen and there Alex was, seated in his car, absolutely focused and in his zone. He was beautiful, it's like all his actions were playing in slow motion. 

I hoped for him to do well this race and couldn't help but smile from thinking about the conversations we had this morning while running.

You do well at your job Alex! I'll pray for me to survive mine!

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