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Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne.

Sunday, here it was. The day everyone was looking forward to. The hospitality unit was bustling, everyone was running around trying to do their job, adding last minute changes and was getting shit done. I was trying my best to do my job properly but I just couldn't focus, why are you doing this to me? 

"Hey new kid, come here!" I heard a feminine voice called. 

I looked up, my eyes fell on her ID, Erica Vaughn. She had a dazzling smile, dark eyes and the most beautiful heard of corkscrew curls. 

"Hey!" I said setting down the floral arrangement I had been working on. 

"I'm this event's supervisor, you have any questions, you come bother me. Not poor Tim, he's the host." She said.

 I nodded my head and was about to get back to work when she said, "Periwinkle! Let's hang out sometime, you seem cool". 

"YES! I'D LOVE THAT!" I sounded more eager than I meant to. 

I have successfully made a friend. Must brag to mom and pops.

Even during the race, I couldn't step out of the unit, a couple of the other newbies and I were working behind the scenes, refilling tissues and more stuff like that.

 I was keen on doing well, I really wanted to be able to shadow one of the hosts. Once we were done with whatever tasks we were assigned, we started loitering around. This place had started to grow on me and a certain someone was living in my head rent free. 

Erica came out to where I was sitting and took a seat opposite to me. "Hello Periwinkle! How has the experience been so far?"

She was so enthusiastically talking to me as if she wasn't the one who yelled at me few minutes ago. 

"Girl! I'm really confused! One minute you're yelling at me and then you're all nice and sweet".

 "When I'm Erica the supervisor, I'm mean. When I'm Erica, the friend I'm nice to you!" she beamed. 

Just then drivers started entering the paddock, I saw a smirking Daniel. He walked right into the McLaren hospitality unit. Gosh! I NEED to talk to him, sir how dare you invade my thoughts and sit there rent free? And then wink at me and make it impossible for me to focus. 

"Why are you frowning? Is something wrong?" A concerned Erica mumbled. 

I told her that I was alright. I stood up and started walking towards the McLaren structure, it was like I had no control over my body. I felt an adrenaline rush as I stepped into the structure. 

Ah the perks of being an employee, no one stopped me. I found Daniel at the back with his headphones doing a silly dance routine crouched to the ground. I laughed, didn't realize loud enough for people to freeze in their tracks.

 Daniel on the other hand was unbothered, He continued vibing to music. I let out a sigh and tapped on his shoulder. 

He instantly stood up, "Hey Girlfriend! How are you Nat?" 

"Staceyyy! I'm doing incredible. Listen, I need to talk to you."

" Sure! Tell me". 

I swallowed a lump in my throat ," Can we talk somewhere less crowded, tight spaces make me nervous."

 "Yes ma'am." he said leading me to the back door through which we exited to an empty part of the paddock. He looked at me expectantly, this was my cue.

"Okay, so I know we haven't even had one proper conversation but I'm smitten." I said taking a deep breath, " I don't know what it is for sure but there's just something about you, I want to get to know you." 

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