Jet Set Go

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I waited in the lobby with our luggage while Erica arranged for a cab to the airport for us. Shanghai, what a beautiful city where the old blends with the new. So many memories to take back home with me.

"Kiddo! You have a safe flight and send us a message as soon as you reach Baku." Pops said over the phone.

"I will pops, I will. Tell mom I said hi! Also dad it's 2 pm here, what are you doing up at 6 am?" I asked.

"My child is on the other side of the world, you think I can sleep?" he replied.

Our call was cut short when Erica told me our cab was here. I dragged both our suitcases to the car and put them into the boot and took a seat. I felt numb, everything that had happened in the past few hours felt unreal. I was just glad that the two people I love were spending time with me now.

"Arthur has already reached the airport and is on his way to the lounge." Erica informed me. cool. That's all I said.

I was trying, I was trying really hard to be happy but I felt a strange sensation within me, was it envy?

We arrived at the airport and were instantly guided to another terminal by agents of the airlines. It was far more fancier than the regular terminal, perks of flying chartered I guess.
Arthur was fast asleep on one of the arm chairs while another figure hovered over him, giggling and tickling him.

"Hey there." I said glumly.

 Arthur woke up startled while the other person turned around.
My eyes met with his and I had butterflies, he was beautiful, a work of art! His eyes were bright and his face as if it were sculpted.

"Hello ma puce! Charles, this is my friend Natalie, Nat, this is my older brother-"

"Charles Leclerc." I grinned as I stretched my hand out for a handshake. 

Charles smiled and shook my hand. His smile was gorgeous and coy, like a fairy.

We were dropped off on the runway by a car and I was just in awe of how everything worked here, my excitement made the three of them laugh.

I asked the agents and stewardesses everything I could possibly think of and when we met the pilot I couldn't help but squeal!

I was like a child on a sugar rush and I don't regret how stupid I might have looked one bit.

"How are you feeling now?" Arthur asked once we settled down. 

"I feel pretty good! Thank you, thank you so so so much!" I hugged him. He laughed and said he wish he had a camera to capture how bubbly I was.

"So Natalie, what do you do?" Charles asked. 

"I'm an intern at the hospitality unit of F1 but my job ranges from just about anything and everything." 

"You were near the gates right? Twice I think." 

"Yup, that would be me." I smiled.

"You know that's how we met actually!" Arthur exclaimed. 

"That was the second time, I actually pissed you off." I giggled.

"Not my brightest moments." His whispered hiding his face in his hands.

We continued talking, eating and laughing with each other, every once in a while Arthur would glance at me to make sure I was having a good time.

Erica was on the verge of being tipsy, every time she reached out for more champagne I glared at her and she simply said I am not wasting free champagne.

The fourteen hour flight finally started taking a toll on us, Charles fell deep asleep and Arthur was engrossed in gaming.

Erica and I sat together, away from the two brothers. Erica finally not drinking alcohol while I ate a fancy fruit salad.

"How are you doing now sweetie?" she asked.

"I'm doing great, spending time with my two favorite humans makes me happy, seeing things I've only seen on TV happen in front of me made me feel like I was 5 again. Life is good." I sighed.

I noticed Arthur, who was now fast asleep with his controller still in his hand. Such a boy! I smiled.

I turned me head to see what Erica was up to, I was startled because she was smirking back at me.

"Let's talk about Arthurito...Hmm?" 

"What about him?" 

" He's sweet, really nice to you and look at all the things he did for you." 

"Get to the point will you?" I shot back.

"You both are in love and won't admit it. I am older than you hence wiser than you." 

"Erica you're literally just two years older to me and no we are friends and so we look after each other." I remarked.

What was she saying? I definitely didn't have
romantic feelings for Arthur or do I?

He was being a good friend to me and I was being a good friend to him. Erica started saying stuff like you don't realise! The way he looks at you, it's like you mean the world to him! He goes out of his way and does whatever to make sure you are smiling.

"You're drunk Erica, just go to sleep." I said tucking her into a blanket. 

"Hey! Hey! Drunk words are sober thoughts!" she exclaimed, "Good night!"

I was turning and tossing but I just couldn't fall asleep, well done Erica you have invaded my head.

I decided to pull out the book I had bought recently and decided to read it, I fidgeted around trying to switch on a small reading light.

"Can't sleep? Me neither." Charles remarked, he had been observing me fiddling with the lights for quite some time. His brown hair was a fluffy mess but it only added to his charm.

"You at least had a good nap! I didn't even get that." I pouted. 

He laughed, it was enchanting like a siren's call.

"Well, would you like to join me in bothering the staff for brownies? I swear I smelled some." He asked. And so we set out, to the back of the aircraft, looking for brownies.

"Are you sure you can eat this stuff? Aren't you both on strict diets?" I enquired as a took a big bite into my brownie.

"Yes but I am allowed to stray once in a while." He winked, shoving a giant piece into his mouth.

We sat there, eating brownies which slowly turned into a competition of who can eat the most.
I cracked up because of all the faces he was making, he too started laughing. Our ruckus woke up Erica and Arthur.

"Your trainer won't be be happy when he finds out you've been eating a tray of brownies!" Arthur exclaimed. 

"That's if he finds out." Charles shot back.

"Ooh! Shots fired." Erica hooted in the back. 

I shook my head, children I sighed.

"Says the girl running around the terminal like a kid in a candy store!" They spoke in unison.

"Have y'all been rehearsing this?" I raised my eyebrows.

"That's a secret you'll never know Nat." Charles taunted, he continued "There's still a few hours left, go get some sleep!"

"While the three of you are awake? No thank you!" I cried out. 

I know for a fact they would probably create artwork on my face while I slept.

The four of us conversed about trends, food, movies and shows. I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting tired, I was fighting back sleep and Charles noticed.

He let me rest against his shoulder while the four of us continued talking and I slowly fell deep asleep, resting my head against the body of the prettiest boy I had ever seen.

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