I'm lost .

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Milan—>Monza, Italy

Landing in Milan already excited me, I couldn't wait to see the city, meet the people and eat the food! It doesn't matter what your origins are, Italian food and culture is immersive.

It felt quite similar to London with its blend of historical buildings and modern architecture, the busy streets and crowds of people made me feel like I was back home, with much better weather of course!

I noticed how well dressed everyone was, no matter what they were doing all of them looked very put together. While it intimidated me it also inspired me to think that putting efforts into your appearance isn't vain as long as you don't obsess over it.

While I was taking it all in, it was time to head to Monza. Watching the city zoom by already made me want to be back at it, I'll come back one day.

We were at Monza within an hour, the town was painted red! The tifosi was loud, proud and ready to welcome the prancing horses to their home. The atmosphere of the town was truly something else.

"When in Monza it's okay to change loyalty and be a Ferrari fan." Tim laughed.

"As Seb says, everyone is a Ferrari fan!" Erica added.

"This is unreal! The support and pride is insane." I marvelled.

"Is your dear friend here yet?"

"Dear friend?"

"Arthur! He needs to see the glory that rests on his shoulders."

"Sending him pictures right now!" I pulled out my phone and started snapping away.

I sent the pictures to him and my parents, I was in awe. Ferrari is truly more than just a team, it's a legacy, it's a nation's pride. It is part of national identity.

We got our rooms and decided to take a break for a bit, after freshening up I decided to head out to the streets of Monza and see the town.

I saw a little shop selling Gelato, after giving into my temptations I bought myself a giant scoop and continued walking, no plans. I'll go where the streets take me I thought to myself.

After a while, I saw a giant board that read Parco di Monza the trees, grass and trails of the place lured me in. The more I walked around I realised how big this place was!

I walked around for a while, sat down in the grass and decided to people watch for some time. The mannerisms, the habits and everything were quite interesting to observe.

I decided to head back to the hotel, I tried to remember the way back to an entrance or exit and quickly realised I didn't remember. Everything looked so different, I asked around for help but got vague directions. Any traveller's worst nightmare had come to life, I was lost.

I sent Erica some messages but got no response, there was no point of calling Tim because he was probably getting on with "hot" people. All doors lead to Arthur, I sent him a message asking if he had arrived yet. Once he replied affirmative I called him up.

"Hello? I know I sound like an idiot right now but I'm in a crisis."

"Puce! What's happening?"

"So I decided to take a walk in this park and now I'm lost."

"What park?"


"Di Monza? Oh gosh why do you do such things? Stay put I'll be there."

"What do you mean by such things? I literally just wanted to go around the city!"

"You could have waited for me or Callum! We've spent years in Italy."

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