【69】Baby's Mingling

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Because of the excitement of the day, sleep wasn't easy to come by

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Because of the excitement of the day, sleep wasn't easy to come by. While Lex slept like a log next to me on my old bed, I struggled to fall asleep. Hoping it would help, I'd given Kate's gift a shot. Turns out reading erotica when Lex was right next to me but we couldn't have sex was an awful idea. I'd ended up binging the novella, finding myself frustrated and horny, even further from being sleepy than before.

Also, I was definitely going back on my word. We would have sex in Lex's office again, regardless of what I'd told him a while back. That was too fucking hot.

All of this was the reason I emerged from my room well after ten in the morning, sleep-deprived and looking like shit. With a large mug of tea in my hands, I made my way outside, wearing jeggings and a puffa jacket. On the west side of the house, Lex and Tyler were having an informal one-on-one match. The basketball board was right against my bedroom, and the repetitive banging of the ball against it had woken me up.

They stopped when they saw me, and Lex came to give me the first kiss of the day.

"You look revolting. What happened to you?" Tyler asked.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have a house?" I didn't bother to sign since he could easily read my lips.

"I should have stayed there because that's not a good sight."

After squinting my eyes at him, I turned to Lex. "Annihilate him, baby."

They returned to their thing as I sat on the cold curb. I watched them play for a moment, sipping on my tea. Lex was a delight to look at in his tight long sleeve top. Black really was his color.

Upon looking at them, I noticed that Lex was slightly taller and clearly broader than Ty. My brother had always been like a giant to me, and I was now dating a man even bigger. Their talent at basketball was about the same, with a slight advantage to my brother. He was a little quicker, and his sleight of hands fooled Lex a couple of times. Ty was an amazing dribbler.

Christmas Eve Eve was usually a pretty chill activity day for the Walker family. We usually spent some time together, prepared a few things that needed to be ready for dinner the next day, played board games... And this one unfolded the exact same way.

Apart from a firewood delivery, where Lex and Ty helped my dad get everything in the shack, we were mostly inside. MC challenged Lex to a game of Scrabble, which she lost. She then insisted on another one, arguing she'd been nice on him and wanted a redo. She also lost that one, but did a little better.

My dad then got the brilliant idea to offer Lex a game of chess, and to my great surprise, my father won. There was no way Michael Walker could beat Alexander Coleman at chess. Not when the latter was winning state championships at only ten. No, I was certain he had purposefully lost, maybe to give my father a semblance of control. It was very uncharacteristic of Lex, and it made me realize how much he wanted my family to accept him, how much he needed this to go well.

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