【78】The Other Shoe Drops

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Understandably, Lex didn't feel great about his momentary loss of control

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Understandably, Lex didn't feel great about his momentary loss of control. After waking up hungovered and confused, he'd asked what had happened exactly.

Although I'd assured him it was okay, he still had felt embarrassed by his actions. After spending the day at his place, slowly helping him recover from his overindulgence, I left early in the evening to go home. Work would start again the next day, after nearly two weeks of break. The perfect placement of the weekends had allowed everyone to have a very comfortable Holiday break.

Going back to Kelex felt odd and familiar altogether. I truly loved this job and considered my Troll's Lair colleagues as friends. Because of our long break, we all had a lot of things to tell each other. As much as I wanted to talk about Lex meeting my parents, I had to hold back on this information and remain as vague as I could. He was their boss, and it was his right not to have employees know details regarding private aspects of his life.

Overall, the app had been very well received by the beta testers. We had a mountain of bug reports to go through. We also had to read through the few functionalities users had suggested, and start thinking of how we would implement them. My favorite one, which we should have thought of right away, was to allow this app to work as a face call app too. Instead of being only for two present people, it would also work as a way to video call people and allow mute users to communicate with their interlocutor, the quick algorithm translating what was being signed or said in real-time.

The happiness of seeing how well my brainchild had done out there turned me into an overcharged battery. I was excited and sparkly the whole day, elated to see all the positive feedback.

Although it still was far from reaching its full potential, the app was already becoming an essential tool to a few of our users, and it was already so much more than I could have hoped for.

Working again with Lex proved to be particularly complicated. After sharing so much intimacy for so long, it was incredibly hard to stick to being professional and detached. Because we had a lot of organizing to do for this second phase, I spent most of my day going back and forth between the Troll's Lair and his office. We always kept his door wide open, to avoid any rumors, but it didn't prevent the occasional tender touch or lingering gaze.

We considered for a moment that it might be more pragmatic to have me move to his office again for a short period of time, given how often I would have to come in for the next few weeks. But once more, the boss getting his girlfriend to word right alongside him might not be very well received. Despite him telling me he didn't give a shit what others might say, I refused to let my relations with my colleagues deteriorate.

So we made do, as we had before the holidays, with me working downstairs and him in his office. That way, I didn't have the perpetual temptation of my bilf –boyfriend I'd like to fuck.

Because chance would have it, we had two days of work before the weekend came. Wanting to make the most of it, I debriefed my guys the best I could, and we set the course of the upcoming month. Our schedule was ready, well-thought, and everyone knew their tasks and goals. Lex and I had agreed on a four months goal, with the possibility of it turning into six months depending on what we would implement. But by then, we would have an app ready for the public. Everyone was pumped by the challenge, and I was confident we'd nail this superbly.

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