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I twisted and kicked in the bed, unable to go back to sleep

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I twisted and kicked in the bed, unable to go back to sleep.

After the plane had landed in Seoul, 9 PM Korean time, 5 AM Seattle time, a cab had driven us to our hotel. I'd been so exhausted that I'd barely paid any attention to the passing streets, dozing off most of the drive. Once we arrived, we'd been shown to our suite in a matter of minutes, and then left alone by the very professional staff of the luxurious hotel.

We had each picked a bedroom, and after a quick shower, I'd fallen nose-first into the incredible bed. The brief rest I'd gotten on the plane wasn't nearly enough for me.

But now, after a little over three hours of peaceful slumber, I was wide awake and unable to get back to it. After all, it was nine in the morning for my body, and it didn't care if the clock on my nightstand showed 1 AM. Somehow, I was also starving, despite not usually eating anything in the morning. I hadn't ingested anything but water since our bathroom escapade, and I was needing something more substantial.

After a few more minutes of failure to fall back asleep, I decided it was pointless to keep trying, and kicked the covers away. Since better things could be done than this, I slipped out of the bed. I left my room to get into the common area in search of food, not minding my pajamas. The cute, silky burgundy rompers had been bought for the occasion. It was about time I invested in some actual sleepwear and stopped using half of my wardrobe as pajamas.

I was surprised to find the common room lit up, and spotted the reason for it sitting on the couch, working on his laptop. The man truly never rested. In an instant, I forgot everything about food, drawn to him instead. He was wearing sweatpants with a basic T-shirt, but what a sight he was...

He heard me close my door, and his gaze traveled to me, a gentle smile pulling the corners of his mouth up. "Did you even go to bed?" I asked, slightly reprimanding.

"No. I showered and went straight to work."

I shook my head disapprovingly and walked toward him. He moved away from his computer, and I used this opportunity to sit on his lap, not holding back my need to be close to him.

As my arms came around his neck, he held me at the hips, his eyes warm and tender. "Coleman, you need to take care of yourself better. One of these days, you'll drop dead from working too hard."

"I'm not sure that's a thing."

"I'm sure it is. And then, what am I going to do without you?" I asked, the mere notion of losing him heartbreaking despite my humorous tone.

"You'll do the same, but without me." After a pause, he resumed, a slight smirk on his lips. "And at some point, Idris will also die from working too hard."

He tried to steal a kiss to appease the jab, but I wriggled off of his lap, a giggle bubbling in my chest. I walked to the large window that took up most of one of the walls, and looked down at the city below. Despite the late hour, it was still effervescent with activity.

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