【47】Wildest Fantasy

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— Lex —

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— Lex —

For the hundredth time this afternoon, I checked my watch, impatient to see Andrea return. Fifteen more minutes and she would be here.

I was feeling like a fucking child, excited about my birthday for the first time of my life. It had never been an important day, never meant more than adding another year to my age, never felt worth commemorating. Andrea's eagerness and enthusiasm to celebrate it was changing all that. If she wanted to spend the evening cuddling and cherishing me, for the sole reason that today was the anniversary of my birth, I certainly wouldn't stop her.

This woman had turned my life upside down, and I was left wondering how I'd borne almost thirty-five years without her. I hadn't realized how dull and insignificant it had been until she came along, and I couldn't imagine getting back to the way it was before.

The doorbell rang, and my heart did this thing it always did when I looked at her. She was early, and while I didn't like unpredictability, I never minded when it came from her. After a quick look around to make sure everything was tidy and ready for the evening, I went to the door, eager to welcome her in.

The familiar face on the other side of the door wasn't the one I was expecting. Neither were the nine others.

"Surprise!" they all let out at once.

Confused and dazzled, I stared at my family, having a hard time understanding what the fuck they were doing in my hallway. Everyone was here but my father, even my two nephews and two nieces. With the panel of the door still in hand, I stayed there, unmoving, until Lucy cleared her throat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not even trying to hide the slight annoyance I was feeling.

I didn't like surprises, and each one of them knew this fact. Yet, they were all here, from New York and Denver, to celebrate my fucking birthday?

"Always a pleasure to see you, Lex," Emilia snorted, fending her way inside. "Happy birthday, little brother," she added, giving me a short hug as she passed by me.

They all followed, wishing me a happy birthday. Each of my sisters gave me hugs, my two brothers-in-law shook my hand, while my mother gave me a stiff kiss on the cheek. The children just passed by with a hand wave, and I appreciated their respect for personal space. Why the fuck did people need the feel to touch others all the time?

"So, what is it like to be thirty-five?" Juliet asked, finishing to hang her things on the rack.

"Crowded. Why are you all here?"

"Okay, maybe show a little more gratitude, you brat." It was Lucy talking this time. "We all thought of you during the Thanksgiving family dinner, and we decided you shouldn't be alone on your thirty-fifth birthday."

"Yes, we thought we could at least make a big deal out of it every five years," Emilia intervened.

"Try making it every thirty-five years, actually. And I wasn't going to be alone." The animosity in my voice was clear even to me, but they didn't react to it, used to my lack of tact.

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