【24】Power Couple

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The tech supergiant's headquarters were fucking huge

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The tech supergiant's headquarters were fucking huge. I'd stupidly forgotten that they did more than smartphones, and was reminded of that upon seeing the three skyscrapers that formed their administrative center. With over three hundred thousand employees worldwide, it seemed normal they would need the administration that went with it.

Even though we arrived over ten minutes in advance, two people were already in the lobby, waiting for us. The man looked important, with his expensive suit and shiny shoes, and the woman was very elegant, with her gray skirt suit and beige stilettos. Lex and I looked just as professional, him with a dark suit, a crisp white shirt, and a briefcase, and me with my navy pants suit that had a very discrete striped pattern, and a small black leather messenger bag. We had accidentally decided to both wear something dark red, him his tie and me my shirt, and had kept it, liking our outfits' coherence.

"Good morning," the man greeted us with a flawless accent. "I'm Park Dae-Jung, head of international relations. This is Kim Mun-Hee. She was the one who worked on approving the partnership with your company."

Lex shook the hand he held out. "I'm Alexander Coleman, co-owner of Kelex. And this is Andrea Walker, the best developer on my team."

Once everyone had shaken everyone's hand with respectful bows, they guided us toward the elevator lobby. Internally, I was incredibly excited to be visiting the administrative heart of the tech super giant, my inner nerd freaking out. On the outside, though, I remained as detached and professional as I could muster. Lex, per usual, was looking very efficient and serious.

On our way up, Mr. Park gave us a quick presentation of this building's function. We were at the official headquarters of the group. This tower was their administrative building, where they handled everything, local and international. It was the mother-ship, the head that made sure the other ships ran smoothly.

We stopped on several floors, as a part of the tour, and our liaisons showed us around, introducing the different departments, explaining some of the workings. The level of organization of these offices was impressive, and I could imagine very necessary.

Time flew by, the place was massive, and after over an hour, we reached the 40th floor, which was the official headquarters floor. Everything was remarkably sleek and refined, decorated with taste and style. Mr. Park was telling us about his experience working for the tech giant when an older man came from a hallway on his way to the elevators. He seemed extremely important, with three young assistants following him, trying to keep up behind him. The man must have been in his late sixties, but he was walking fast, his purpose clear, his face focused.

The woman with us, Ms. Kim, went to him, stopping his advance. She bowed quickly and told him something with a voice too low for me to make out. Instantly, the man's attention turned to us, and I tensed, wondering what this was about. He came our way, Ms. Kim by his side, and when I noticed how severe he looked, my worry intensified. Shit...

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