【Important Announcement】

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Dear Readers,

I wanted to share some news about the Series of Lines, which you've come to know and love. As an author, my goal has always been to create a deeply immersive experience that resonates with your emotions and connects you with the characters on a profound level. With this in mind, I've made the decision to rebrand the trilogy with new titles that I believe better capture the essence of the stories and the journey of our beloved characters. Also, let's be honest...those titles were a little too close to one another and tended to be confusing.

Between the Lines will now be known as The Desire Variable, a title that reflects the intricate dance of yearning and lust that weaves throughout the narrative. Below the Lines is transforming into The Passion Parameter, a more vivid representation of the intensity and depth of emotions explored within. Lastly, Beyond the Lines will take on the name The Love Algorithm, symbolizing the exploration of love's boundless possibilities. As you may have realized, there's a playful inclusion of the coding world with 'variable,' 'parameter,' and 'algorithm' ;)

I understand that change can sometimes be a bittersweet experience, especially when we've grown accustomed to something familiar. My intention in making this shift is to create a stronger connection between the titles and the stories they encompass while also offering a fresh perspective for both loyal readers and newcomers.

I want to assure you that while the titles are evolving, the heart and soul of the trilogy remain unchanged. The characters you've laughed with, cried for, and cheered on are still at the forefront of these tales, guiding us through their intricate lives and heartfelt moments.

Thank you for joining me on this literary journey. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind my work, and I can't wait for you to explore the depths of desire, passion, and love of the newly titled Binary Hearts Series.

I love you long time,


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The Passion Parameter - Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now