【18】Be Patient With Me

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I was definitely not ready for this

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I was definitely not ready for this.

Well, I was physically ready, thanks to Kate's fashion advice. I was wearing high-waisted rosewood begged pants that worked very well for my behind. For the top, I had a silk white shirt tucked into it, which wasn't see-through, but the thin material didn't hide that well the lacey texture of my bra underneath, which was as suggestive as I was willing to go. I had new-ish white sneakers and an actual green army jacket I'd bought at a thrift shop a long time ago.

I had to admit, living with Tammy had been a great thing for my fashion senses. I was more careful with what I was wearing, wanting to avoid her skeptical glares whenever I was wearing something wrong. My need to be desired by Lex was also helping, making me want to be more feminine, more attractive.

I'd always swore to myself that I wouldn't change for a man, but it was happening seamlessly. One of the most obvious changes was my body hair, as I made sure nothing grew for too long. Thanks to a few very informative blogs, my untamable curls were becoming more tamable. Makeup was still a mystery to me, but I was wearing a little more lipstick than I used to, and was more consistent with my skin care routine.

There was no way I'd completely get over my nerdy T-shirts and oversized hoodies, especially since Lex seemed to like that side of me. But when I could help it, I tried to look like a desirable adult woman, and not a teenager with a dubious fashion sense.

Despite being excited and anxious about the meal, I was able to work relatively well, pairing up with Joseph for the morning. I always enjoyed working with him, appreciating how serious he was. Given how discreet he was, I sometimes forgot the man had just as much to offer as any of us did. He was, like the rest of the team, extremely good at programming, and had an impressive ability to focus.

We were interrupted a little before noon by Brian, who was trying to get everyone on board for a quick video game session during our lunch break.

"Sorry, dude," I grimaced. "I already have plans."

"Oh, come on! You haven't joined us in over a month."

"I know, I'm sorry. I will next time, but I really can't today."

"What's so important?"

I knew what I had to say. I had rehearsed it. Lex was taking me to lunch for the meal all new employees were invited to. With all that had happened since I got here, it had been postponed until today. It was an efficient, professional answer, and couldn't possibly be suspicious.

Still, I hesitated, worried I might not be convincing enough. This meal wouldn't be professional at all, and I knew it.

I was still trying to prepare my explanation when our attention was pulled to the door, where Lex had just appeared.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked me, standing in the doorway. He was still wearing his glasses, and a dark green sweater rolled on his forearms.

I looked around, a little embarrassed to be caught by the guys like this. Dammit, if I'd explained earlier, it wouldn't be this weird. They all seemed surprised, waiting for me to answer. I turned back to Lex, trying to look confident.

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