【42】The Birthday Surprise

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To my disappointment, I had to leave Lex for a few hours, to handle some things and drop by my place

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To my disappointment, I had to leave Lex for a few hours, to handle some things and drop by my place.

By the time I was done with all this, it was a little after five. I was back at his building, ready to start the celebrations. Struggling to handle my handbag, the grocery bag, and Lex's gift, I made my way out of the elevator. The surprise I'd planned for him had miraculously arrived in time. I had stressed the time-sensitivity so much, they'd taken it seriously to the point of charging me some extra shipping fees so I could get it on time. I didn't mind the expense, since it was entirely worth it.

I had been very proud and confident with my choice for his gift, but now that I was getting closer to giving it to him, I worried he might find it immature or cheesy. As a measure of precaution, I had made sure to prepare other surprises, so I was sure at least one of my attentions would work out.

Not only did we have the dinner, but I'd also prepared a duffle bag with some of my things, to keep them in the drawers he'd gifted me with. If he wanted me to be a more important part of his personal space, I wouldn't fight him. It was still in my car, since I couldn't exactly carry it along with the rest, but I'd go get it later.

Another surprise I had planned was of a naughtier nature, and given what he'd told me he enjoyed the most, I was certain he'd love it. Tonight, after our lovely evening together, Lex would get to tie me up in his bed, and use me any way he saw fit. He loved it when I abandoned myself in his arms? Well, I would give it all to him.

The last little surprise I'd planned was under my dress, but I'd have to make sure he didn't find it too early, or it would certainly cut our evening short as he'd promptly drag me into his room.

My outfit wasn't exactly raunchy, but I was doubtlessly sexier than what I was used to. I was wearing a very deep cleavage, but my lack of breasts didn't make it look vulgar, rather fashionable. The length was less risque, reaching three inches over my knees. And the cut fitted me just enough to hug my curves without revealing too much. Its color was the most provoking aspect of the garment, though. The ruby-red velvet was most definitely eye-catching, daring, and unquestionably sexual. My black knee-high boots were adding to the sexiness of it all.

I'd hesitated to buy the dress earlier this afternoon, but I couldn't deny how perfect it was for the occasion. It was my man's birthday, and I owed it to him to look like his wildest fantasy. In that sense, I was wearing lipstick that matched the dress, and my eyes were smokier than I usually indulged. I looked like a temptress, a woman with loose morals.

He'd most certainly go mad seeing that what laid underneath was alarmingly sexier.

Juggling with the large package under my arm and my bags, I made my way toward Lex's door, ready for the party to begin. Impatiently, I pushed the doorbell, straightening my outfit the best I could, my dress mostly hidden by my coat and scarf.

My enthusiastic grin faded as I discerned unusual noises inside of Lex's apartment. Were those high heels walking toward the door?!

Before I could anticipate or think, the heavy panel opened, and a tall, lean, and blonde woman was on the other side.

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