【49】The Nobody

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— Lex —

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— Lex —

"Everybody out," I commanded when I returned to the living area.

My order didn't seem to be clear enough, confused faces of my family members turning to me. They were clearly not getting my point.

"I said 'out'! Leave."

"Lex, we still have to blow the candles," Lucy argued, gesturing toward the kitchen behind me.

I turned around to find some sort of glazed cake, covered in berries and candles. I didn't give a fucking shit about their cake. They needed to get out of my apartment now. Reaching the cake in four strides, I grabbed the plate and went to throw the whole thing in the garbage can, ignoring the confused looks of the staff and the shocked exclamations of my family. I was done with this entire evening.

"All of you, out too," I told the caterers. Contrary to my family, they executed my command immediately, gathering the last of their things in a hurry to leave. When I turned around, I found everyone still seated at the table, looking at me as if I were a madman. "I said get the fuck out, now," I repeated, losing my patience.

"Lex!" Emilia scolded me, trying to cover her daughter's ears. Frank and Patrick stood up and came toward me, trying to reason with me. Raising a warning hand in their direction, I made them stop their attempt to calm me.

"I don't like surprises – never did, never will – so next time all of you decide to come and surprise me, fucking don't," I explained. "Now, I would very much like to be alone, so if all of you could get out of my house, it would be great."

They finally got the idea, and Lucy and Emilia stood up with their children, to go toward the rack and start dressing everyone with their coats and scarves, their husbands helping them.

"Alexander, you're being ridiculous," Miriam declared from her seat, her haughtiness sickening. I went toward her with all the hatred she inspired me, and I saw her detached expression flinch, scared I might hurt her for an instant.

"Let me be painfully clear," I told her, pointing a threatening finger at her. "You can fuck up with my head all you want and play your mind games and your tricks on me; I don't give a shit anymore. But do not even think of doing the same to Andrea, you repugnant bitch. I will not let you come into my house and spread your venom in her head. Do you understand me?"

Her mask was cracking, fear and doubts passing through her fainted indifference. The fucking mask I'd tried to see through my whole life was cracking, and I could see the insecure, weak, nasty woman behind it.

"You are taking this way too far. You can't possibly be willing to fall out with your whole family for a nobody," she tried, vindictively. I saw red; My blood boiling in me.

"This woman means everything to me," I said, pointing back at where my bedroom was, where Andrea was alone and hurt. "For this woman, this nobody, I would burn the world to the fucking ground. Do not try to see what I'm willing to do for Andrea, how far I can go for her, because you will not like the result. Now, I would kindly advise you to get the fuck out of my house before I fucking lose it entirely."

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