【06】Sobering Up

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When I double-parked in front of Lex's building, we still hadn't said a word since I had snapped at him

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When I double-parked in front of Lex's building, we still hadn't said a word since I had snapped at him.

I was officially feeling like shit about it and had been trying to come up with the strength to apologize. This moment right here, tonight, could be the foundation of a healthy-ish relationship between us.

Although... Lex was drunk, which could explain why he'd been so talkative and not as cold and distant as usual. I had no doubt that as soon as Monday would come, we'd be back to the Cold War vibes. Nevertheless, I didn't want to leave things the way they were right now.

I turned off the engine, unsure of how long this would take. The sudden silence quickly became oppressing, the confined space of my car seeming ever smaller. There wasn't even a sound outside to help with the heavy quietness. No cars, no passers-by... It was just me and Lex, and I was highly aware of that. He had unbuckled his seat belt but wasn't making a move toward exiting. He didn't seem to be in a rush to get out of here, or maybe just like me, he wasn't sure how to bring this to an end.

Okay, apologize, say bye, and then go home.

With a forced smile on my lips, I turned to him. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you or anything. It's just that I... I need more time."

He turned to me, his gray, intense eyes meeting mine. He processed my words for a moment, his gaze gliding over my features, his focus fleeting.

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I thought it would be easier."

"What would be easier?"

He didn't answer, his expression turning uncertain. He either didn't know what to answer, or he didn't know if he should say it. I couldn't help it. Something inside of me began to hope. Hope he'd been having a hard time too, that being apart had been painful for him too. He didn't love me, but he still cared.

What we'd shared, the bond we'd had, it was a rare thing. It didn't matter if it had ended. Not everyone got to experience such passion, regardless of how ephemeral it had been. Our souls had collided with remarkable intensity, the burning ferocity of our needs impossible to fight. We'd flown together to great highs, making the fall only harder to endure. The brutality of the crash had left nothing to salvage.

Or at least, that was what I'd been thinking. But as Lex was looking at me with his hypnotizing eyes, I couldn't help but hope; hope something was salvageable. That maybe not everything was lost.

"What did you think would be easier, Lex?"

I could see how conflicted he was, his internal debate tearing him inside. It was as if he couldn't answer, as if he didn't know how to.

He surprised me by lifting his hand, reaching for my face. The shock was so great, I didn't move, didn't protest, didn't do anything...

The tip of his fingers grazed my cheek softly, his eyes gliding over the confused expression plastered on my face. The tenderness of the gesture hit me hard, my heart suddenly hammering a chaotic beat behind my ribs, a swarm of butterflies blooming low in my stomach.

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