【38】Rising Sun

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Something lit up within me, igniting a fire that warmed up my skin

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Something lit up within me, igniting a fire that warmed up my skin. Fuck, why was I doing this? How much of a masochist could I be to want more sex right now? Ignoring the voice of reason that was trying to make itself heard, I complied and got down on the floor while he helped me, remembering my legs were still a little weak.

Once I was kneeling before him, he looked down at me with something dangerous in his eyes, something predatory. He caressed my cheek tenderly, his thumb grazing the freckles he loved so much.

"Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you are, Andrea?"

I didn't answer, not sure what to say. I'd been called cute or pretty, but he was the first one to find me "fucking beautiful." He was seeing me differently from others, his vision distorted by his love for me. I didn't answer, knowing he wouldn't like what I'd say, and sensing it was a rhetorical question, anyway. With his index under my chin, he made me tilt my head up, and the flesh of his thumb grazed my lower lip.

"Show me that bottomless throat of yours," he ordered, gently pressing my jaw down.

With my eyes still locked on his, I complied and opened my mouth wide for him, sticking my tongue out to reveal what he sought.

Something twitched in his eyes, his jaw clenched, and his hand let go of my chin. When he sent two fingers into my mouth, a shiver ran through me, ending straight between my legs. He pushed them inside, until he reached further down my throat, pressing on the back of my tongue. Regardless of how wide I tried to open my jaw, my mouth couldn't take in more of his hand.

I stayed unmoving, docilely allowing him to do whatever he wanted, and when he added a third finger before thrusting them in and out, I couldn't hold back a helpless moan. It wasn't what I wanted to have in my mouth.

The way he was pressing made me gag, even though it didn't reach as far as his impressive length usually did, and I fought the persistent reflex, my throat spasming around his digits. My eyes watered with tears from the discomfort, but I never let go of his intense gaze.

I didn't know why I was like this when it came to sex with him. I wasn't submissive in any other aspect of my life but this. Somehow, I loved giving him control of my body, of my pleasure. My enjoyment was always a priority for him, and I adored when he bossed me around in bed. He was a god, and I willingly submitted to his will, feeling grateful he'd take care of me like this, that he'd take charge.

"Do you want my cock in there, Andrea?" he asked, his voice almost sweet. I nodded, his fingers still shoved far down my mouth. "Will you take it all the way?" I nodded again, pressing my thighs together, my desire for him becoming uncomfortable. "Of course you will, you insatiable woman."

He removed his fingers, and I took a deep, trembling breath. With rapid gestures, he reached behind his head to remove his tank top with a swift move, before pushing his pants down, freeing his shaft. He kicked his joggings away, and I admired his resting dick, nibbling on my lower lip.

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