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I closed the door behind me, my hands trembling, limbs shaking

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I closed the door behind me, my hands trembling, limbs shaking.

Fuck. This wasn't happening. Not again.

Looking up, I noticed where my feet had taken me. Shit, this was the worst possible place. I hadn't thought of where I wanted to go, and now I was in Lex's room, where we'd spent so many nights together, so many incredible moments, from talking to cuddling, to many, many hours of sex.

I didn't want to be in here. I wanted to be the furthest away from this room.

He'd been married. He'd already lived all this with a woman, despite telling me the opposite so many times.

I was angry, sad, betrayed, disappointed... How could he do this to me? After everything we'd been through, how could he keep a secret like this? Lie to me about this?

I paced the room, trying to calm down, trying to think rationally, to get my breathing back to normal. But no matter what I did, how many steps I took, how many deep breaths I inhaled, the fucking truth was the same. Lex had been married.

The door opened behind me, and I spun around just in time to see him enter. His familiar presence, so comforting minutes ago, was now an insult to me, to my pride, to us. With urgent steps, he joined me in the room, his expression troubled and anxious. He reached out for me, but I jumped away from his grip.

"Don't you dare touch me," I threatened. I was angry at him. His betrayal hurt me, and I had every right to be mad at him about this.

"Andrea, this isn't what you think."

"Really? You weren't married in the past?" My tone was harsh, venomous. I wanted to hurt him, to make him pay for the offense.

"Eva and I were married for less than a week." Eva... He even had a nickname for her.

"So what? You guys just decided to get married in a burst of passion and then regretted it later? It doesn't sound better, Lex."

"I wasn't like this. It wasn't an impulsive decision."

"This isn't helping!" I spat out, almost screaming. He tried to grab my arm again, to bring me closer, but I prevented it with a warning glare. "Stay the fuck away from me, Alexander."

His jaw clenched before he gave me a frustrated look. "Can we talk about this like grown adults?"

"Oh, that's rich coming from you. Grown adults communicate. They tell each other things, especially about ex-spouses."

"I was going to tell you."

"When? Because I can think of hundreds of times where you could have."

"At first I wanted to wait for the proper moment, and then it slipped my mind."

"You forgot about having an ex-wife?!"

"It wasn't like that."

He passed a frustrated hand over his face, trying to find what to say, how to make me understand. He seemed so distressed, it made me calm down a little. I was hurting terribly, but he seemed to be in pain too.

The Passion Parameter - Vol. IIWhere stories live. Discover now