Chapter Nineteen: Breathe

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Aria watches as her friends walk away. She contemplates going after them, but decides that this wouldn't be a good time. She need knows she has to give them some space for awhile, but it's really hard to see them walk out like that.

She fights back tears and she turns to go to her house, and to think about this... to think about what else she could possibly say.

I screwed up. I screwed everything up,she thinks to herself.

Once she's about a block from her house, she's thought of a decent thing to say. She recites it over and over in her head, just hoping her friends can eventually understand.

She hears a sound coming from behind her. It sounds like leaves rustling. Of course, her immediate first thought is that it's A. But she knows that A is dead.

Aria swallows hard before turning around to see what the noise was. She doesn't see anything.

It's just your mind playing tricks on you, Aria. She assures herself. Just keep walking.

She turns around once more, just for a second look. She notices the top of someone's head in a bush close behind her.

"Hello?" She says, starting to approch the bush.

"Stop," the person says, standing up. "It's me."

Aria is surprised to see Alison standing there.

"What are you doing, Ali?" Aria asks, confused.

"I couldn't leave you like that," Alison responds. "I told them I had stuff to take care of. I didn't tell them that this was what I was taking care of, though."

"Look, I'm really sorry for all of this. I don't know the answers to your questions.  I was so stupid and I just--" Alison cuts her off before she can finish.

Alison shakes her head. "You don't have anything to apologize for, okay? We talked about it. Spencer said she would talk to you tomorrow. We're good."

"It can't be that easy," Aria says. "I ruined everything. I ruined your lives."

Alison shakes her head. "You should have told the cops. Or at least us. Then we could have worked against the cops."

Aria nods, unsure of what to say.

"But I get it, Aria. I really do."

Aria smiles.

"But the bitch is dead, and that's all that matters now. We can't hold this against you."

Aria pulls Alison into a hug.

"Thank you, Ali. Really."

Alison hugs her back, but is interrupted by her phone going off.

"Spencer just texted me," she says. "It's an SOS. We'd better go."

"I probably shouldn't come," Aria says. "She didn't send it to me."

"Are you sure?" Alison asks. "She said we were fine. You should check."

Aria checks her back pocket for her phone, where she's sure she last put it.

"It's gone," Aria says, her eyes going wide.

"What is?"

"My phone. It's gone."

"Where could it be?"

"It must have fallen out of my pocket before we left the building. We need to find it. There's a lot on there that nobody can see, Ali. We need to get it. Now."

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