Chapter Two: Underestimated Her

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It's been about a month since all of that happened, but it's really hard to forget something like that.

Aria sits in her room, on her bed, thinking about that night. The fire, how three of five girls say they saw Alison, the dead pig in the trunk of that police car.

"Aria," Ella, Aria's mom says, when she opens Aria's bedroom door.

Aria stands up and says "What's up?"

Ella takes a few steps towards Aria, crosses her arms, and sighs.

"Seriously," Aria says, crossing her arms, too. "What is it?"

"You've been acting strange the past couple days."

Aria doesn't know how to reply. Her mom's right. They both know it. But, only one of them knows why.

"I have?" Aria asks, even though she knows exactly what her mom means.

Ella nods.

Aria shrugs. "Sorry. I guess I'm just stressed out."

Now Ella shakes her head. "You're more than just stressed. You're scared about something. Would you mind telling me what?"

Aria feels the colour drain from her face. She really is scared, but she can't tell her mom why. She can tell barely anyone why. No one can know about A.

"Aria," Ella's face turns stern. "I need to know. I'm your mother. I have the right to know."

Aria rolls her eyes, uncrosses her arms and yells "And I have the right to have personal space. You don't need to know every little detail. I'm stressed. I can't help it."

She pushes past her mom and leaves her room, walks down the stairs, and leaves the house without even planning where to go first.

- - - -

Just as she reaches the sidewalk, her phone beeps.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket and reads the message.

Good girl, Aria.
No one needs to know what's going on, right?
Besides, if you tell, so do I.
I know more about you than you think I do.


Aria looks around her house to see who's there. There has to be someone there to know about her conversation with her mom.

When she doesn't find anyone, she tries to shake the thought of what A might know about her, and starts making her way to Hanna's house.

- - - -

She knocks on the door when she gets there, and Ashley, Hanna's mom answers the door.

"Oh, hello, Aria." She says.

"Is Hanna home?" Aria asks.

Ashley nods. "Come on in."

Hanna comes to the door when Aria walks in.

"Hey," Hanna says.

"Hey," Aria replies.

"Come on," Hanna says, motioning for Aria to follow her.

They go into Hanna's room, and they both lie down on Hanna's bed.

"I just got a text," Aria says, showing her phone to Hanna.

Hanna reads it, and looks at Aria. "What do you think A knows?"

Aria shrugs. "Well, what does A have on me?"

Hanna's eyebrows rise. "What the hell doesn't A have on you?"

Aria sighs. "I know, I know. I just wish we could just figure out who it is and have all of this blow over."

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