Chapter Five: She Knows

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The usual A texts are bad enough... But, threatening to kill two of the four of them in such a short amount of time? If A knows what Aria knows, does that mean that it's the reason A is trying to kill them?

"Who's next?" Hanna asks, as her, Spencer, and Emily walk out of the school. "Me or Spencer?"

Emily sighs, and rolls her eyes. "Can we not talk about this? It's really stressing me out."

Hanna nods. "Sorry."

They all go to Spencer's house, and try to get a hold of Aria. All they want is answers. Actually, they need them.

"She's not responding to my texts," Emily announces.

"Call her," Hanna says.

Spencer shakes her head. "I tried. Four times. She isn't picking up."

They sit there for the next ten minutes worrying, and just hoping that Aria is okay and that they'll find out what she knows soon enough.

They're relieved when Spencer's phone beeps, and a text from Aria shows up on the screen.

Sorry if I've been acting weird lately. I'm just really stressed out. The whole situation with Ezra is bad enough. Not being able to talk to you guys is even worse. I have to take care of things with Ezra. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

"What does she mean 'not being able to talk to us'?" Hanna asks.

Spencer shrugs. "A has everything on all of us. A is probably blackmailing Aria right now. Seeing as she knows something no one else but A probably knows."

Emily nods in agreement.

- - - -

Aria hesitates before dialing Ezra's number. She's not in any rush to break the news to Ezra. But, she needs to get it overwith. The sooner, the better.

She dials the numbers, and presses talk. After three rings, Ezra is on the other line.

"Hey," he says when he answers.

"Ezra," Aria replies. "We really need to talk."

"I know. I have a lot to say."

"Don't waste your breath." Aria says.

"What?" Ezra sounds shocked.

I think he knows what's coming. Aria thinks to herself.

"I can't do this anymore." Aria says, regretting the words as soon as they leave her mouth.

"What do you mean? We can work things out, we just have to--" Aria interrupts him.

"I don't want to work things out, Ezra. You have a family to work things out with. You don't need to work anything out with me. You have them. You need to support them. Not me."

"Are you saying we should break up?" Ezra asks.

Aria nods, even though he clearly can't see her. "Sorry."

Then she ends the call.

- - - -

After a few hours of sitting there, duscussing what it could be that Aria doesn't want them to know, Emily finally decides it's time to stop worrying, and just have a life at least for a little while.

"It's getting late," Emily says. "I think I'd better go."

Hanna checked the clock on Spencer's nightstand. "I guess I should go, too. No use worrying about Aria if she can't even talk to us."

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