Chapter Ten: Shattered

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The four of them walk quickly, and nervously towards the boiler room unsure of what exactly to expect.

They walk in a single-file line, with Spencer in the front, and Emily right behind her.

She notices Emily starting to get upset again. She stops in her tracks, and turns around so she's facing Emily. She puts her hands on her shoulders and says "It's going to be okay, Em."

Emily's eyes go wide. "But what if she's not okay?"

Spencer can't help but roll her eyes. No matter what she says, Emily only thinks negative thoughts.

She tightens her grip on Emily's shoulder, and says "Quit scaring yourself. You're only making it worse for us."

"Should I not be worried?" Emily replies, in a loud voice.

Spencer sighs. "You should be worried, I mean, we all are... just don't be scared."

"Yeah, Em," Hanna butts in. "Things like this have happened so many times before, and look at us. We're fine."

"Fine?" Emily throws Spencer's hands off of her shoulders, and faces Hanna, with her arms crossed. "Do I look fine to you?"

"Emily," Aria, and Spencer say at the exact same time.

"Stop it," Aria takes charge. "This is hard on all of us. Hanna's right. We're not hurt, or dead. We're okay. And so is Paige."

Emily no longer even makes an effort to keep her tears from falling from her eyes. "You guys just go to class. There's no need for four of us to go. You don't want to be late. Just go. I'll be fine."

She starts making her way to the boiler room, knowing they won't really let her go alone.

The other three don't hesitate before running after her. There's no way they're letting her go alone. Not under these circumstances.

- - - -

The boiler room is quiet. None of the machines inside of it are on. It's dead silence.

Emily rushes into the room, and starts looking everywhere. She's rushing so much that it looks like she's looking in every direction at once. Not taking a break even to breathe.

"Emily, wait." Hanna knows the silence isn't right.

Spencer touches Hanna's shoulder, "It's fine, Han."

Hanna shakes her head. "Don't you find it weird at all that all of the machines are off? Doesn't that make you worry a little?"

Spencer just looks confused. She didn't really think about it, and she still isn't really considering the thought right now.

Aria ignores it all. All she can think about is how if Paige really is trapped somewhere, or worse, it's her fault.

"I can't stop looking," Emily is panicing. "Where is she?" She's yelling now. "We need to find her. Help me look!"

Spencer is starting to freak out a bit, too. Emily's never been this worried before, and it makes Spencer panic.

"Please, Spence." Emily's eyes are filling with tears once again. "I just need to see her. I need to know she's okay. She's going to be okay, right?"

All Spencer can do is nod. She doesn't know what to say, because deep inside, she knows that Paige probably really is with A.

Hanna goes in the opposite direction from the others. She wants to look around. She knows something isn't right, and she wants to prove them wrong for once.

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