Chapter Four: Got a Secret, Can She Keep It?

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"Emily," Spencer says. "We need to know for sure that it's Alison that you saw."

Emily sighs. "You, Hanna, and Mona all saw her, too. I'm not crazy. Four of five of us have seen her. I agree with you. There's no way it's a mask."

"I'm having a really hard time believing this." Aria says.

Hanna crosses her arms. "Are you saying we're all lying? None of us are crazy. Alison is for pretending to be dead for this long."

"Even if Alison really is alive," Aria begins. "She's always been one step ahead of us. She'd be smarter than to make it obvious that it's her."

"That's what you'd think," Spencer says.

"But, we all saw her. She's not playing her card exactly right." Emily says.

"We need more proof," Spencer says. "Like, a picture. Then we can show the police."

"Well, we need to get proof to show it," Aria says.

"That's what we'll do." Spencer replies.

- - - -

At school the next day.

"I'm really starting to doubt Red Coat is Alison," Aria says.

"I thought we all agreed that it's Alison for sure," Hanna replies, rolling her eyes.

"Doesn't Red Coat go to our school? If it was Alison, how would she know everything that happens at school? She's supposed to be dead. She can't walk around a school without getting caught." Aria explains.

"Red Coat has workers," Hanna says.

"Yeah. The A Team." Spencer adds.

The A Team is the group that tortures the four of them. Red Coat is the one in charge of it all. If they can stop Red Coat, they can most likely stop all of it.

"Alison has always been that kind of person, though." Hanna explains. "That's why I feel so sure of it."

"I just don't know if I agree," Aria says.

"Aria," Spencer says. "You've been acting strange lately."

"I thought I was the only one that thought that," Hanna says, laughing.

"I'm fine," Aria says, just as the bell rings.

Aria is relieved to hear the bell right then. She had to get herself out of that situation. Maybe she's hiding something. Maybe something big.

Should I have told them? Aria thinks to herself. No. I can't. Not yet. They'll just get mad. I need to say it at the right time.

- - - -

"Do you think Aria is hiding something?" Emily asks Spencer. "Does she know more than the rest of us know?"

Spencer shrugs. "She seems worried. She's probably fine. Just a phase."

"I guess," Emily replies. "But, I'd better get going. See you later."

By the end of the day, Hanna, Spencer, and Emili all think that Aria is hiding something. But, what? That's the thing they have to figure out.

They all stand by the school's exit, discussing what they think is going on.

"I'm getting worried," Spencer says. "What if Aria is part of the A Team?"

Emily shrugs.

"You were once," Hanna says to Spencer, crossing her arms.

Spencer rolls her eyes. "Let's not bring that up, please. I had reasons for doing what I did."

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