Chapter Seven: Lost and Found

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The girls sit, and read magazines and laugh about the things they haven't had time to even talk about for the longest time.

They all sit there, while the nail polish on their toenails dries.

"This reminds me of Alison," Hanna says, smiling at an outfit in the magazine she's reading.

"Han?" Spencer says, noticing tears forming in Hanna's eyes. "You okay?"

Hanna nods, and wipes the tears from her eyes. "I'm fine. I just miss her."

Aria nods. "We all do. Let's just try not to for now, though."

Hanna nods.

Although they just went through this about an hour earlier, it's just hard not to think of Alison. You can't forget your best friend's death. Especially when it was someone like Ali...

- - - -

When they all wake up the next morning, everything seems perfectly normal. That is, until they realize that none of their cellphones are in the room.

After checking the whole house, they realize their phones aren't anywhere close.

"Is A back?" Emily asks, looking around.

Aria shrugs. "God, I hope not."

Knowing who A is, is one thing. Not knowing if that person is behind what's happening is another.

"Who else would be that stupid?" Hanna asks. "Where are our phones? You think our boyfriends came and took them for our safety?"

Emily looks at Hanna and crosses her arms.

"Sorry," Hanna apologizes to Emily. "Your girlfriend."

Aria clears her throat.

"Sorry, Aria." Hanna says, looking down at her shoes.

"Well, no." Spencer answers. "I don't think it was our boyfriends, and girlfriend... but, A isn't the only person around here who would do that?"

"Well, whoever it was, how didn't they wake us up walking through the room?" Aria asks.

Aria definitely doesn't want to believe that A is back. A is going to ruin her. She wants to hold that off for as long as possible.

"So, what do we do?" Hanna asks.

No one answers. They all wonder the same thing as Hanna.

"I guess we just have to keep looking," Emily says, upset to have to say it.

The other three nod.

"But, if A is the one with our phones, who knows what kind of texts they're going to send out," Aria says, knowing that A would definitely do anything to ruin them. Especially herself.

"Where should we look first?" Hanna asks. "Rosewood is small, but A might not even live in it."

No one knows the answer. Their cellphones could be feet away, or they could be miles away. You never know with A. She's always full of surprises.

Spencer stares at the ceiling as if she's watching the clouds, looking for shapes to laugh about. That's something they did with Alison a very long time ago. Not since they were little, though.

Emily closes her eyes, imagining what A could be doing right now. Texting everyone terrible things. Telling their secrets. The things no one can know about. The things that could get them into so much trouble.

"Spence?" Aria says, tapping Spencer's shoulder. "You usually know what to do. Are your services available right now?"

Spencer shrugs. "I don't know, Aria. I just don't know."

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