Chapter Twelve: No Air

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Hanna stares at the message for about two minutes before coming back to reality.

She puts both hands on her head, and just hopes this is a dream, or a hallucination. Anything but reality.

All she wants is a break. It would be well-deserved considering she has a concussion thanks to A. But, of course, that doesn't upset A whatsoever. That's what A wanted.

She tries to just shake the thought out of her head, and goes downstairs to get the advil that she wanted earlier.

She's surprised to see her mom in the kitchen, looking in the fridge when she gets there.

All Hanna can think is Thank God she didn't catch me looking at my phone.

"How are you feeling today?" her mom asks when she notices her.

That's one step up. Her mom was barely talking to her yesterday. Now she actually cares how she's feeling. Hanna can't help but smile at the fact that things are getting a little less tense and awkward between them.

"Fine," Hanna says, surprisingly telling the truth. "Better, at least."

Her mom nods. "Good..."

She sounds like she wants to say something else, but she stops after good.

Hanna doesn't want to ask any questions, so she just leaves it at that.

"Do we have any Advil?" She asks, avoiding any questions that might make her mom mad at her.

Her mom goes to the counter, and takes the Advil from it, and hands them to Hanna. "I left them out for you in case you needed them."

Another step up. Now she's doing favors for her. This might actually be the day things start getting better.

"Thanks," Hanna says, taking an Advil out of the package.

No response, just a nod. But that's enough for Hanna considering her mom barely said a word to her yesterday, or ever since the whole cemetery incident happened at that.

- - - -

Spencer, Aria, and Emily sit in English class.

Spencer is jotting down some notes, trying to concentrate on English class, and not anything else. Not Hanna's concussion, not the incident in the boiler room, and most definitely not A.

Aria sits awkwardly, trying to picture Ezra, or as she prefers to call him now, Mr. Fitz as someone else. She's had lots of time to stop thinking about the breakup, but she isn't over it. That's all that's on her mind.

Emily can't stop thinking about all of that stuff. Paige, Hanna, A. Just everything that's happened. It's not easy to sit in a classroom, which builds up stress, when you're already as stressed as can be.

Spencer can't help but start to think about Hanna. She decides she needs a break from the class, so she raises her hand, and asks to go to the bathroom.

"Quickly," Mr. Fitz replies. "Don't be too long."

Spencer nods, and rushes out.

When she gets to the bathroom, she puts her purse on the counter, and looks at her reflection for a minute.

What am I doing? Spencer asks herself.

She sits in there for a realistic amount of time, so it doesn't seem like she just asked to go to the bathroom so she didn't have to be in the class, even though that's exactly what she did.

She sighs, and walks over to the door. She decides it's time to go back to class.

The door is locked.

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