Chapter Sixteen: Undead

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Aria sits alone, at home now. She's in her bed, under the covers.

Emily probably hates her now. Same with Spencer. Not that she can blame them. She brought this on herself.

One one hand, telling her friends, or at least someone, could have saved them from all of this. The texts, near-death experiences, and just basically everything bad that's happened to them. On the other, keeping it a secret was the best choice. A would without a doubt kill them, or at least threaten to, to make sure they kept it to themselves.

It was a lose-lose situation all along. A could be in jail, or the girls could be dead, had Aria told someone she knew.

She's not sure whether she should regret admitting to it or not.

But one thing she knows for sure, is that she needs to explain to Emily what happened. She owes her at least that much.

She pulls her phone out of her bag, which sits on the bed beside her.

She send a text to Emily.

Come over after school, it reads. I'll explain everything.

She doesn't get a response. All she can do is hope Emily comes. She needs to fix this. She needs to fix everything.

- - - -

Emily feels her phone vibrate. She's about to ask to go to the bathroom so she can see the message, but notices that class will be over any second now.

Once the bell rings, she pulls out her phone, and sees the message that Aria sent.

She considers deleting the text, but decides she should go.

What's the worst that can happen? she asks herself.

- - - -

Aria then sends the message to Spencer.

She doesn't exactly want Hanna to know. She doesn't know much about what's happened lately. She decides it's best to ask them all to come.

She forwards the text to Spencer, and Hanna and hopes for the best.

- - - -

After school, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna meet up and talk about whether or not they should go.

"I think we should go," Spencer says. "We should give her the chance to explain."

"Explain what, though?" Hanna asks, confused.

Emily shakes her head. "It's a long story. Just let Aria explain."

Hanna nods, and they all get into Emily's car, and drive off to Aria's house, hoping for the best.

When they get to Aria's house, Aria opens the front door as soon as she sees the car pull up.

When they walk up to the door, Aria says "You guys. I have a lot of things to say. A lot to explain."

Emily nods. "Yeah. You kind of do."

Spencer nods in agreement with Emily.

Hanna stands there, arms crossed, with a confused expression on her face.

"Come inside," Aria says, walking into the house.

They all sit down in the living room.

"Do you guys want anything?" Aria asks.

"Please, just explain what's going on. That's why we're here. Don't waste time." Emily says.

Aria nods, then sighs before beginning.

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