Chapter Three: Red Coat

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"Guys," Hanna says, as they walk to the car. "Do we really think Emily is A? I can't imagine someone like Emily being A."

Spencer shrugs, opening the driver door. "It's a risk I'm not willing to take. For all we know, it could just be a trap."

"Yeah," Hanna agrees. "But, it also could be real. What if we don't go, and Emily dies?"

Aria shakes her head. "I don't know what to think."

"Maybe you're right, Han." Spencer says.

"Can we please try to find her?" Hanna asks. "She has to be close.

Spencer and Aria nod.

"I'm willing," Aria says.

"Me too," Spencer seconds.

- - - -

"Where should we even look?" Aria asks.

Spencer shrugs. "It's hard to say when Emily doesn't have her phone."

Aria's phone beeps right then.

"Guys," Aria says, showing Spencer and Hanna her phone.

The text readsIt's hard to hear what's going on in the basement from upstairs, huh? -A

"She's in the basement." Hanna says.

Spencer rolls her eyes, and opens her door. "We know that, Hanna. We need to find her. Now."

They all get out of the car, and rush to get to the stairs that lead to the basement.

"What if A is just going to trap us down there?" Hanna asks. "Emily might not be down there."

"Or Emily might be A," Spencer adds.

"I'll stay up here," Aria says. "To make sure that doesn't happen."

Hanna and Spencer nod, and start walking down the stairs to the basement.

Aria stands nervously, looking around for someone who might push her down the stairs or something.

"Is there a light down here?" Hanna asks.

"Here's the switch," Spencer announces, turning the light on.

Hanna squints, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the brightness.

"Em?" Spencer calls. "Are you down here?"

"Please, Emily," Hanna says. "Say something!"

No response.

"Oh my god," Spencer gasps, running over to a corner of the room.

"What?" Hanna asks, rushing to follow Spencer.

Spencer crouches down, and touches the hand of Emily, who's laying on the ground in the corner, with a piece of the mirror in her hand.

Hanna crouches down beside Spencer, and shakes Emily, trying to wake her up.

Finally, Emily's eyes open.

"What are you doing?" Emily asks.

Spencer hugs Emily. "Thank God you're alright."

"What do you mean?" Emily asks. "Of course I'm alright."

"You mean you don't remember anything?" Hanna asks.

"Anything about what?" Emily asks.

"A almost killed you," Spencer explains.

Emily's eyes widen. "A put me in my basement?"

Hanna nods.

"Yes," Spencer replies.

"Oh my God," Emily says. "A must have drugged me. I woke up, and I was just too tired to get up. I just fell back asleep. There was someone down here. I thought it was my Dad, but it must have been A."

"Wait," Hanna says. "So, does that mean A is a guy? I mean, if you thought they were your dad."

"She was drugged," Spencer says. "She probably just saw it wrong."

"A told us we had half an hour to save you before they killed you." Hanna says.

"That's what we think it meant," Spencer corrects Hanna.

Emily starts breathing fast.

"Em?" Hanna says, putting her hand on Emily's. "Are you okay?"

Emily's eyes go wide, and her breathing goes back to normal.

"No," Emily yells. "I saw who it was. I remember. Alison. Alison is A. I swear it."

"Slow down," Hanna says. "You're sure you saw Alison?"

"I saw what you said you saw during that fire. Alison. It couldn't have been a mask. It wasn't."

"Let's get you upstairs," Spencer says, helping Emily up off of the floor.

They walk up the stairs and let Emily sit on the couch when they get there.

"Are you okay, Emily?" Aria asks when she sees her.

Emily nods. "Fine."

"She says she saw Alison," Spencer announces. "She thinks she's A."

"What did I tell you?" Hanna says, crossing her arms.

"Can you not?" Spencer says, elbowing Hanna.

"Sorry," Hanna whispers.

- - - -

Later that night, they all sit in Emily's bedroom trying to put all of the pieces together to see if Alison really is alive. And to see if Alison is A.

"So, how can you all be so sure you weren't seeing a mask?" Aria asks.

Hanna shrugs, and looks at Spencer for an answer.

"Aria," Spencer begins. "Could you mistake my face for a mask?"

Aria rolls her eyes. "That's different."

"It kind of is," Hanna agrees. "Maybe it was a mask. Every time any of us saw who we thought was Alison, we were in a bad state. We just got out of a burning building, you were in the dark woods, and Emily was drugged."

Spencer shrugs. "I still think it had to have been Alison."

"Is it really possible that she's alive?" Emily asks.

The other three girls look at each other and shrug.

"I don't know anymore," Hanna says.

"Me either," Aria replies.

Spencer just shakes her head, and leans back on the chair she's sitting on.

"Let's go to sleep," Aria says, turning off the lamp that's beside her.

They all go under their blankets and try to sleep.

It's not an easy thing to do with something like A on your mind.

- - - -

In the morning, once they're all up, they just sit up in their spots, unsure what to say.

"I don't get it." Hanna says. "This was supposed to be over."

"What part?" Spencer asks, rolling her eyes.

"All of it," Hanna responds.

Emily gasps.

"What?" Aria says. "What's wrong?"

"I just--" Emily stutters. "I know who I saw."

They all stare at Emily waiting for her to tell who she saw.

"It was Alison. It was definitely her. I'm positive this time. And she was wearing the red coat. I remember it clearly."

"I'm the only one who hasn't seen her now. Great." Aria says.

"That's because it is Alison." Hanna says.

"And this should be good enough proof that she's alive." Spencer adds.

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