Chapter Eighteen: The Whole Truth

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They all stare down, wide-eyed. Emily's shock quickly turns into anger. She storms towards Aria and grabs her shoulders.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that my girlfriend was trying to kill me, and my friends?" Emily screams.

"Hey!" Spencer says, pulling Emily off of Aria. "We can all explain everything later. What matters right now is that A is dead. And it's because of us."

Alison shakes her head. "It's not our fault. It's Pigskin's fault for being so--"

Emily goes after Ali next. She pushes Alison as hard as she can, almost sending her to the floor.

"What did you just call her?" Emily yells.

Alison stares at her, confused. Paige had been tormenting them for so long, and Emily is mad at her for calling her one little name?

"What the hell, Emily?" Hanna yells. "Paige could've killed you. She almost did. All of us."

"Everyone calm down," Aria says, before they hear the sound of sirens.

"We need to get out of here," Alison says, hearing the sound. "Quickly. Come on."

They follow Alison down the stairs, and they're able to get outside before it's too late.

It isn't long before they see people coming to see what's going on. Peremedics, cops, news reporters, bystanders, seemingly everyone from Rosewood shows up to see the scene.

"They're going to find out it was us," Emily says. "Why did you guys have to do this?"

"Emily!" Aria says. "It's not our fault. She fell. She also tormented us. What's your problem?"

"Maybe you're my problem, Aria." Emily said. "You let me believe that my girlfriend was this innocent girl. I loved her. You let me love a murderer."

"I'm sorry, Em. Okay? But we have more important things to focus on right now. Please just stop acting like Paige is this great person, because we all know she's the complete opposite. She literally murdered people. A lot of people."

Emily rolls her eyes and walks away from the others.

Emily can't seem to accept the fact that Paige wasn't who she thought she was. She wants to believe that Paige was innocent. That she really did love her... but that isn't the truth. She just doesn't want to accept it.

"Aria?" Alison says.

Aria looks at Alison, waiting for her to continue.

"I knew too," Ali says, looking guilty.

Spencer, Hanna, and Aria stare at her in disbelief.

All Spencer and Hanna can think is why did they hide this? Why wouldn't they want us to know who was torturing us?

"Please don't be mad," Ali says, looking at Spencer and Hanna. "I have an explanation."

"Yeah?" Hanna says, crossing her arms. "And what would that explanation be?"

"She threatened me. She threatened to kill me, and my mother." Alison explains.

"A threatened to kill all of us at one point or another," Spencer says, sternly.

"I had run away, Spencer. Okay? And the reason for that was so that no one, specifically A, would find me. But guess what. Paige did find me. And tried to kill me. She was tracking me down. She knew where I was all the time. Of course I didn't know that until a little while ago. When I found out that she knew where I was, I thought coming back to Rosewood would be my best option. I haven't known for that long. I tried to explain this to you earlier, but she showed up. I wasn't going to keep it a secret. You need to understand that."

Hanna and Spencer look at each other, and decide that Alison's argument is a good one.

"Sorry for what I said," Hanna apologizes.

Alison just smiles.

"We need to find Emily," Aria says. "We have a lot to talk about."

They find Emily behind the corner of the building. She's sitting against the wall, clearly holding back tears.

"Emily?" Hanna says, almost in a whisper.

Emily looks the other way, trying her best to ignore them.

"Let us explain," Alison says, approaching Emily. "There's a lot that I need to say."

Emily gives in, and looks Alison in the eye. She doesn't say anything, but it's clear to Ali that she's waiting for an explanation.

Alison sighs before beginning. "I know that it hurt you when I left. You thought I was dead. You have no idea how hard this has been for me. I ran away because A threatened me. Then I came back for the same reason. She threatened me again, okay? I thought that showing everyone that I was still alive would stop her. I thought everyone in Rosewood that I was close to would protect me. But then I realized that there was nothing anyone could do. A was too smart. Too strong. I put you through a lot, and I am sorry. So sorry... but please, just know that I was doing what was best for me, and for you. For all of us."

Emily stands up, and walks up to Ali. She pulls her into a hug.

Tears flood Ali's eyes. Emily lets out a sob.

"Listen," Aria says. "I have something to say now."

They all immediately know what Aria has to say. She has a lot to explain.

"Aria," Hanna says. "Alison had a good reason for why she hid the fact that she knew who A was, so you'd better have a good--"

"Shhh, Han," Spencer cuts Hanna off.

"Sorry," Hanna whispers, crossing her arms.

Aria clears her throat and continues. "You might be wondering how I found out. Well, I saw A right outside my house. Or, actually, I saw Paige outside my house... just as I got a text from A." She hesitates before continuing. "That's how I found out. So, after that, A basically made me work for her. She threatened me. She threatened to kill me, and under my circumstances, there was a better chance of her killing me than any of you guys. If I found out that I told you, she probably would have killed all of us right then and there, because she'd be afraid that we'd tell the police. It's that simple."

None of them know what to say.

"I get it," Spencer says, nodding. "I just wish I hadn't found out the way that I did."

Aria nods. "Sorry."

Spencer's tone quickly turns into an angry one. "But why didn't you want to take it to the police?"

"I told you, Spencer," Aria answers, almost shouting, "She threatened me!"

"She threatened all of us. I get what you're saying, and I get your point, but how the hell would A know that you told us?" Spencer replies.

"A always knew what we were up to, what we were saying, and where we were. Have you forgotten that?"

"It would have been 4 against 1, though, Aria. She couldn't have just killed us all right there." Spencer shouts.

"A had a gun, Spencer!" Aria yells back.

"You could've told us," Emily says. "We would have found a way to get around A. And you could have told me that my girlfriend was a killer that tormented us for years."

"This is all my fault," Alison says. "If I hadn't been so horrible to Paige, she wouldn't have had a reason to start all of this."

"No, Alison." Emily says, putting a hand on Ali's shoulder. "Someone kept a secret that she shouldn't have kept."

"Seriously?" Aria says. "This is all my fault now?"

"All you had to do was tell us," Hanna joins in. "Then we could have told the cops and it would have been over."

"What proof did I have?" Aria asks. "Did you expect me to take a picture when I saw her in my yard?"

"You met up with her outside a bunch of times," Emily says. "You could've put your phone on video, or taken a picture then."

"But you didn't," Spencer finishes Emily's point, before turning away, and walking away from Aria, along with Ali, Emily, and Hanna.

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