Chapter One: Burned

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Season 3 finale. Girls' bathroom.

It's been a couple of years since Alison died, and in those years, pretty much nothing but bad has happened.

"Is she coming?" Emily asks when Hanna walk into the bathroom.

Since Spencer seems to have joined the A Team, Hanna is wearing a red coat, to find out if Spencer is still one of them.

"Shh," Hanna says, waiting for Spencer to walk in behind her.

When Spencer walks into the bathroom, she walks to Hanna -- thinking she's Red Coat -- and turns her around.

"What is this?" Spencer asks, when she realizes it's Hanna.

Aria and Emily come out of their stalls, surprising Spencer.

"You followed her," Aria says.

Emily nods. "That means you're still one of us."

Spencer stares in disbelief, realizing that it's true.

- - - -

Later that day.

Hanna, Emily and Aria have Mona trapped, preventing her from going wherever she needs to go.

"Going somewhere?" Hanna asks, crossing her arms when Mona gets to her.

Mona tries to go the other way, but Emily blocks that path, and Aria blocks the last.

"Please," Mona yells. "You don't realize what's going on!"

Aria yells back "We know all that we need to know."

They all stand there, staring at each other for a few minutes.

"Does anyone else smell that?" Mona asks.

Hanna rolls her eyes. "Stop trying to distract us, Mona."

Aria seconds Hanna, "It's not going to work."

Mona shakes her head, "Look! What did you do?"

The girls decide to look, and they notice a fire outside. Just outside the house. Almost meeting the inside.

"We need to get out of here," Emily says. "Fast."

They try every door they can find, but they're all locked. Or, knowing A, blocked.

When they open one door, fire is right outside of it. The girls gasp, and shut the door, trapping themselves in the hallway.

"No," Mona says. "This can't happen. "We're all going to burn to death in here!"

Hanna's eyes widen. "Don't say that, Mona!"

"I'll never find out who it is," Mona says.

Aria stops in her tracks. "Repeat that, please."

Mona's eyes are almost filling with tears. "I don't know who Red Coat is, either."

"You're kidding me," Emily yells.

That's the last thing any of them hear, before they black out.

- - - -

"Hanna?" Hanna hears someone saying her name quietly. Almost in a whisper.

Hanna opens her eyes and finds herself laying on the ground, right outside the burning house. When she looks to see who was saying her name, she sees Alison looking back at her.

"Alison," Hanna says, smiling. "You're alive."

Alison stares back, with a blank look on her face, her eyes wide.

When Alison doesn't say anything, Hanna rubs her eyes to see if she's imagining it. When she opens her eyes again, Alison is gone. Or maybe she was just never there.

Everyone else wakes up shortly after Hanna, coughing.

"How did we get out here?" Aria asks, looking around.

Emily shrugs.

Mona walks up behind the girls. "She dragged us out. All of us."

Aria makes a confused face. "Who did?"

Mona looks around for the girl who did. "Red Coat. I swear. She saved us."

"Why would the person who wants us dead drag us out of a burning building, Mona?" Emily asks.

"Stop," Hanna says. "I saw her, too. I think it was Alison."

Emily shakes her head. "Impossible."

"How many times do we have to go through this?" Aria asks. "Alison is dead. You know she is."

Spencer runs up behind them. "I saw Alison, too. In the woods."

Aria, and Emily, --being the only ones who didn't see Alison-- look at each other in confusion.

"It must have been a mask," Aria says.

Emily nods. "We've all been fooled by a mask that looks like Alison before. That must have been what it was."

"It seemed so real," Hanna says, rubbing her head.

"We've all thought that before," Aria says. "Can we just get out of here, please?"

They all get up, and start walking away from the house.

- - - -

"What's that?" Spencer asks, after they've walked for awhile.

They all look where Spencer was motioning to, and see a muddy cop car.

"I think someone pulled it out of the lake." Hanna says.

They all nod, and start walking towards it.

When they get to the car, they notice a video playing on a laptop inside. Hanna's mom is in the video, along with Detective Wilden.

"What is this?" Aria asks, watching the video.

They all watch until they've seen enough.

They begin to walk away, but Spencer notices the trunk isn't closed properly. She stops walking, and stares at it.

"Guys," she says. "Look at this."

They all look at each other, waiting for someone to say something.

All of their phones beep, and they know right away who they're all getting texts from.

They all swallow hard before reading the messages.

Emily reads it out loud. "You're mine now."

"-A," Mona finishes.

Spencer nervously puts her hands on the trunk, and hesitates before opening it. When it's opened, they all gasp, and cover their mouths.

They're shocked by the dead pig they find inside.


This chapter is a remake of the season 3 finale.

This is the only chapter that will be the same as the show. The other chapters will follow the same storyline, but it will be a lot different from the show\original books.

This is a fan-fiction. Not a remake. :)

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