Chapter Eleven: Dangerous Game

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It's 11:30pm now, and Emily has to make her decision.

To go, or not to go?

She could be saving Paige by going, but at the same time, it could be a trap. She could be putting herself in danger.

Is it worth it? What happens if Paige isn't there? What if A tries to frame Emily for something again? Is it really worth the risk?

For Paige. Emily tells herself. I'll do it for Paige. I just have to. I know I need to.

She gets up from her bed, and checks in her mom's room, to make sure she's sleeping. Fortunately, she is. All there is to do now is make it look like she never left, and hope her mom doesn't notice that she's gone.

She goes back to her room, and puts on a sweater, and changes out of her pajamas, and into some jeans.

She also grabs a flashlight before she leaves, unlike last time.

She takes a deep breath before leaving the house.

She's never done something like this alone. Except one time when she drank too much, but that's in her past now. All that matters to her right now is what she's dealing with in this moment. A.

- - - -

The darkness is hard to get through. It's also a little foggy, which doesn't help.

She considers taking the car, but decides it could wake her mom up. Or she might notice it's gone. Or, with Emily's luck, she could get into an accident with it.

She's taking deep breaths as she walks. She can't help but think A is following her. Watching her. Waiting for her.

But, she's willing to do this for Paige. Anything for Paige, really.

When the cemetery is finally in sight, Emily stops walking, and looks around from across the street. She tries to see if there's anyone there. A is always hiding, though, so she knows it pointless. It's worth a shot, though.

She takes another deep breath before crossing the street. It's silent in the cemetery. Too quiet.

When she passes the open gate, her heart starts racing. Faster than ever.

Then it hits her. The gate should be locked at this time. It's never opened this late. She knows someone's there. She just hopes it's Paige.

"Emily?" she hears a voice call.

She gasps. A natural instinct. She swallows hard, and hesitates before responding. "Who are you?"

"It's me, Em." The person starts walking towards her.

I know that voice. Emily thinks. I know who it is.

"Paige?" Emily calls out.

"You're here!" Paige exclaims, before turning her walk into a run.

Emily just stares at Paige, in shock. Paige isn't scared, and she doesn't look like she was ever in A's hands.

"Are you okay?" Emily asks.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," Paige surprises Emily with these words.

Emily shakes her head, confused. "I thought you were hurt, or even dead. Why didn't you respond to my texts or anything?"

Paige looks confused. "I didn't get them, Em. What's going on?"

"I found your stuff in the bathroom at school today," Emily tells her. "And someone said you were in the boiler room, and that's where I had to go to find you."

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