Chapter Nine: Taken

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"The way it says there's more than one of us seems to send a message that says Ezra is one of us. But, it's not only him." Spencer says to Emily, over the phone. "Do you think Ezra is one of them? Do you think he could be A?"

"Well," Emily thinks. "With your theory, and that message, I think it's pretty possible. But what if he really is part of it? What will that do to Aria?"

Spencer doesn't know how to respond.

Emily looks at the clock beside her. It's almost 10:00 at night at this point. Her mom will be home soon. "I'm not even supposed to be using my cell right now. My mom is so mad. I have to go. I'll see you later."

Spencer replies with "Okay. See you." before hanging up.

- - - -

Just as Emily sets the phone down, her mom walks into the room. Just as this happens, Emily is sure her mom heard her talking on the phone. She wants to explain herself, but she can't be positive that her mom heard, so she plays it cool.

"Hey, mom," she says, putting on her best nothing-just-happened look.

Her mom smiles at her, but doesn't say anything, making it completely obvious she's furious and doesn't want to talk to Emily right now. Not until she can believe her. But, little does she know, this time, Emily is telling the truth. She really didn't do anything wrong. It's a huge misunderstanding.

Emily is about to say something, but decides not to. It's best not to talk to her right now.

- - - -

Aria awkwardly sits across from her parents at the dinner table, while they eat a late dinner.

"Are you going to talk about this situation?" her dad asks.

Aria tries her best not to roll her eyes. "I already did."

Her dad pushes his plate away from him, so he can put his elbows on the table. "You did. But the both of us want to hear the whole story."

"I told you the whole story," she replies, with more force than she wanted to. "Why can't you believe me? You never believe me!"

Both of her parents sigh now. They're expecting her to break down and tell them what they think is the 'real' story. But just like the rest of the girls' parents, they don't realize that the girls are all telling the truth this time. They might have to learn this the hard way.

Aria can't stop thinking about Ezra. That's all she can think about right now. She can't see herself forgetting about the fact that Ezra could be helping the person who's torturing --not only her, but her friends, too.

If it really is Ezra, it could be even more of my fault. Aria thinks to herself. I told him so many of our secrets. Who knows what he did with them, and who he told?

Aria takes one last look at her parents, with the desperation of needing them to believe her before realizing they won't believe her without proof.

But proof is something she won't be able to get without getting hurt. Especially if she has to get it from Ezra.

- - - -

Hanna decides that she might as well hang out with Mona. They haven't in a long time, and now, Hanna knows that this time, they're in this together.

"How did we get ourselves into this?" Hanna asks.

Mona sighs. "We all fell into another one of A's traps. I should've known. I was part of that team once."

"Yeah," Hanna nods. "I was there, remember?"

Mona nods, and sighs again.

"Sorry," Hanna says, putting a hand on her forehead. "This is just a lot. And I haven't been able to get in touch with anyone without my phone."

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