Chapter Fifteen

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Aria can't believe this. She's never felt more dumb.

How could I have let any of this happen? she asks herself as she rips up the note that she's not even sure why she kept.

She ran off when Spencer showed her the piece of paper. She ripped it out of her hands, and took off.

She knows it would be best to stop doing what A asks her to, but A has more on her than she does on A. There's no point. It will only make things worse.

She's sittiing at a table outside, trying to figure out whether or not she should stay at school.

If she leaves, she'll be away from the people she doesn't want to see, but she'll get in trouble. If she stays, everything will just go wrong for her. She just can't win.

She stands up to leave. She can't stand this.

Just as she stands, she hears her phone. She has a text.

We need to talk. it reads. And it's from Emily.

What could Emily want? She knows more than she was ever supposed to. Aria can't catch a break.

Where are you? Aria texts back.

Just meet me in the bathroom? Emily responds.

Aria walks to the bathroom. She doesn't think there's anything to worry about considering Emily knows everything thanks to Aria's stupidity that night. She just let her see everything. If only she'd been paying more attention to what she was doing.

When Aria gets there, Emily is waiting for her, with her arms crossed.

"What is it?" Aria asks. "Are you okay?"

Emily nods. "I'm fine. Just confused."

"About what exactly?"

Emily sighs. "I don't get it. Why did you keep it a secret? Do you realize how close I came to telling Spencer?"

"I know, I know." Aria rolls her eyes, at herself. Not Emily. "I should have told all of you. But the texts. They kept coming. A was threatening me and--" Emily cuts Aria off.

"We were all getting threatening messages, Aria. You need to realize that. A could be in jail right now if you'd told someone, but no. You thought it would be  a good idea to keep it to yourself. Not only that. Thanks to your stupid secret, any, or all of us could be dead right now."

"Stop blaming it all on me!" Aria yells.

"It's completely your fault though!" Emily yells back.

Then Aria realizes that Emily is right.

"But I have a question." Emily says.

Aria doesn't say anything. She just waits for the question.

"Why did Alison try to kill me? Why would she to that?"

"It wasn't her. It was someone else."

"But Alison was there. She had a part in it. Why would she do that to her friends?"

Aria doesn't know what to say.

"And you tried to make it look like I was Red Coat and Spencer almost believed it." Emily grabs her purse off of the counter beside the sink. "Whatever, Aria. You're obviously not going to give me a real explanation, so I think we're done here."

"I'm sorry, Em." Aria says as Emily is leaving.

Emily doesn't say a word. She just leaves.

- - - -

It's been about two months since I updated, and I haven't really had time to write much for this chapter, but I wanted to update since it's been so long. The next chapter will be way longer. Sorry this one is like this.


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