Chapter 3: Positive

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Could you ever hate an image of yourself so much you'd wish for it to die in a hole?

Marinette was apparently facing that right now as she glared at herself through her tears at the mirror. Disgusted with the girl looking back.

She looked down at her trembling hands. Specifically at the item that sat peeking up at her. The positive pregnancy test.

Three other tests lay scattered around her on the ground. All three mirroring the one she had in her palm.

It could have been defective, that's what she thought when she saw the first one. It was impossible however after taking three more.

The word afraid was an understatement to what she felt right in that moment. Time had slopped around her.

She had spent her whole morning and night thinking of what was going to happen. she was mostly afraid of the judgment and possible danger that came her way if others had found out.

What would Alya think of her? Would she be disgusted?

Would Chloe expose her?

Even worse. Lila would never leave her alone if she ever finds out.

How was she that careless? She should have known. How dare he do such a thing to her and leave? They had learnt the safety method a in health class, why couldn't two proper teenagers be responsible?

It has been a month since that night. That damnful night. She started looking for him the morning she found that note on the bedside table. No avail. He had disappeared into thin air leaving back consequences he has yet to know.

He left freely while she..

One stupid mistake...

A mistake she could have easily prevented if she hadn't gave in.

She flicked the test onto the farthest wall from her to join the rest of them and then broke down completely disgusted.




She kept on banging the counter hard until her fists turned red. Tikki quickly wiped her chosen's tears away.

"Don't worry, Marinette. Everything will be okay." She said, she smiled at her sore fully. She had always trusted Tikki. From the moment she opened that miraculous box she really did, but she couldn't bring herself to in that moment.

She was the one who suggested she's do a test. She was feeling sore and drowsy all the time. Tikki had however gotten the idea as soon as her holder threw up every morning for the whole week.

"I will make your showing process slower, nobody will notice while you're in the ladybug suit. You'll be able to hide it till you reach the sixth month with how small you are."

Marinette thought she was absolutely nuts, but the test in front of her proved otherwise. "Get in the shower and clean yourself up before school."

Tikki gave Marinette a supportive cheek hug and fazed out of the bathroom. Marinette used that shower time to slide down the wall and onto the ground under the running water while she cried.

She cradled her nonexistent yet stomach. Underneath her hand was a small live growing into her.

She quickly brushed her teeth, got dressed and ran down the stairs. She could not look at her parents eyes right now without bursting how story she was.

She quickly grabbed a croissant and ran out towards the school, her parents called out to her, but their voices were shut by the door slamming.

She didn't stop till she made it inside the school. The cool winding hitting her warm face. It felt so good for a moment. She smiled.

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