Chapter 11: Cold Hard Ground

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Marinette de-transformed and stood silently looking into the calm night sky to reflect on her ragging heart.

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on him?" asked Tikki. As much as she wanted to run into his embrace today, she needed to be reminded at how much He had hurt her in the past.

"He deserved it, Tikki. He left without even a goodbye." She wiped the tears from her eyes. She had a son to provide for and a life she had to build for him. Hugo is her priority now and he was the only thing that mattered even without a husband she still must be strong for him.

"We had one night together. He took full advantage of me, slept with me and then abandoned me after he got what he wanted, he was such a good actor, three years of making me feel bad for rejecting him and once I let him in he simply betrayed me." Marinette grit her teeth.

"But Marinette you have to give him a chance. He's back now. Hear him out. You can't escape him forever." Tikki flew up to Marinette face. Marinette turned away to the opposite direction and sighed. "It doesn't matter anymore I won't give him a second chance."

"He loves you and you love him, you still do Marinette don't try to deny it." Tikki kept trying.

"Loved," Marinette corrected looking deep in thought. I should have kept my old impossible crush on Adrien, but Chat made her feel like he was her source of comfort. She still will not be able to forgive him for being absent from both her life and Hugo's.

She just could not understand why he had returned now. It had been seven years since they would last seen each other. Seven years Hugo did not have a father to witness his first steps, word, birth, or hold his mother's hand during her first ultrasound. Marinette cleared her thoughts and checked on Hugo before going to sleep.
The next day

The doorbell rang early in the morning Marinette dragged her self up from bed and opened the door, It was the owner collecting the house rent "Miss Marinette." Thé man bow his head respectively.

"Sorry for coming this early, but I'm sorry to inform you that if you don't pay rent by next month, you'll need to move out."

Marinette knew that she hadn't paid rent in such a long time, but it was only because she wasn't getting enough commissions. She was thankful for the owner though who gave her empathy and understood her instead of kicking her out months ago.

She knew that if she were to get kicked out she would still have her parents, they wouldn't mind they loved Hugo so much but she still liked to be independent.

With Adrien

Today was the day. Walking back up the steps to his father's old home, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He felt weird standing in front of the house he spent his life in yet feeling so foreign and strange.

The cream walls had turned a somewhat duller/darker colour. The front yard had become overgrown, with weeds sticking in between the pavement and tangled ivy running over some of the windows. As he went inside, he saw the grey marble looking polished and the large lights were working.

"Sure, brings back memories, doesn't it Kid?" Plagg came out of hiding, his voice echoed in the emptiness of the house. The furniture was still the same, the large mansion felt empty and alone. Exactly how he was feeling. He walked towards his father's office to the large portrait of his beautiful mother, the innocent portrait was the path to a dark past, the lair.

Taking a deep breath, his heart was hitting in his chest, he pressed the buttons and took a small step back as a small circle pulled him down. a second later Adrien opened his eyes again, everything was dark. He could not see the room around him, but he still remembered every corner engraved in his mind as a map, the large dome ceiling, and the large circular window directly in front of him.

He took a step forward and white light suddenly shone in the room. The window was broken, shattered through the center from where he and ladybug had broken into the room that faithful night where everything ended.

The room was covered in dust and webs hanging from the ceiling. Adrien sat on the cold ground, closing his eyes, and remembering that night. His eyes filled with tears. Plagg kept silent, patting his weilder's cheek and purring comfortably.

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