Chapter 35: Bring your Father to School Day

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When Marinette had went to pick-up Hugo from school on Friday, he had been abnormally silent through the whole ride home, staring down at a piece of paper in his hand. Only until he gave it to her later did she understand why he was upset.


Dear Parents,

Our class has been talking about careers lately.

We would like to welcome each student's dad to our class to talk about their jobs.

If the dad is unavailable, any male relative can fill up the spot. We look forward to meet all the amazing people on Monday.



He kept quiet the whole day. She tried to lure him out of his room with his favorite foods. She made him some Dino nuggets along with some apple sauce and some cookies from the bakery.

They all sat cold on the counter as Hugo tucked himself into a cacoon in his bed, hugging his stuffed toy Chat Noir. Marinette did not bother him. She left him be the whole day and up till he arrived at school the next day. She had even considered not letting him go.

Who was she supposed to ask? Her dad? He would surely make a great presentation for the kids from experience, but that wouldn't help the situation. Marinette made it right to Adrien's office when the elevator doors opened.

"Good morning." Marinette smiled. Adrien immediately invited her in as if he was expecting her.

"Good Morning Marinette. I have about a hundred emails to read. It's too boring."

"That's too bad Mr. Agreste. I have places to run to today to today, a meeting with the other designers and a dumb school assignment to worry about." Marinette listed out.

"A school assignment? I thought you graduated ages ago." Adrien joked.

Marinette sighed as she sat rolling her eyes on the chair. "Hugo's school has this 'Bring your father to school day' that's got him so upset'."

"Like the one we had back when we were at school?"

"Yup, except Hugo doesn't have anyone to go with. I might ask my dad to do it. I just hope Hugo accepts."

"I can go." Adrien voluntarily offered without even thinking twice.


"I will go to school with Hugo on that day. They allow close friends right? I can go." Adrien shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Oh my god. Thankyou! Hugo will be all happy."

"Hugo is a very clever child. I like him. It is the least I can do to him. I know what it feels like not to have your dad show up for one of those career days." Adrien smiled sadly at the memories of the past.

"Remember the one we had back in the first year of high school? Your dad was probably the coolest one out of all them. He even brought us croissants. the butter and the softness were." Adrien kissed his fingers like a French chef and Marinette giggled.

"You don't need to be such a dork. My parents would love if you pass by sometime. They would literally feed you the whole bakery because literally all my friends are" Marinette quoted with her hands. "Skin on bones."

Adrien laughed and nodded. "I surely will pass whenever I can. I promised your family last time. Okay then, I'll be looking forward to taking Hugo out. Tell him I say hi." 

"How can I ever pay you back?" Marinette smiled.

"That game night we talked about having is more than enough." Adrien reminded her.

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