Chapter 44: Kwami Meeting

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Marinette did not go back to sleep after Chat's depart. She moved the chair quietly from Hugo's bed side towards the window. Marinette formed into a little ball. Her head leaned down on her knees. The scenery outside was beautiful. Too bad she was stuck watching it from the hospital window instead of some nice rooftop. The sun was rising against the people of Paris.

Tikki and Hugo were still asleep peacefully. Or so she thought. She was left with her swarming thoughts.

"Why aren't you asleep?" a tiny voice asked.

Marinette looked to her side where her Kwami perched with a soft smile. She extended her hand for her to sit comfortably and then brought her closer. "I was, but a black cat decided to show up."

Tikki gasped as she looked at her owner. "Chat Noir was here?"

"Mhm" Marinette hummed.

"What happened?"

"I found him asleep on the couch when I woke up to close the window. He wanted to check up on Hugo."

"And?" She smiled at her Kwami's eagerness. She knew just what she wanted her to say.

"We had a quite civil conversation, but we did not go into details for Hugo not to be bothered. I promised him that we would talk at a later date."

Tikki's face merged into one of disappointment and then to one of hope.

"I'm not saying I will completely forgive him, but I saw how genuine he was when he said he wanted to be there."

"Would you.." Tikki looked up at her considering her next words. "Would you consider perusing a relationship with him?"

Marinette sat silent for a moment. She leaned her head back into the chair as she sighed. "I-I don't know. I'm still debating weather I should choose Luka or Adrien."

"Didn't you have a crush on Adrien when you were younger?" Tikki could just scream out his identity right about now. She tried to give her owner a good hint.

"I know, but Luka was there for me. I would feel bad if he wasted all that time for me for nothing. Adrien was just an impossible crush back then."

"So are you saying you're choosing Luka?"

"I'm considering what's best for me. If that cat doesn't want to tell me who he is under that mask, then I'm not going to live wondering who is the father of my child."

"It's only temporary. You know he will tell you. If you don't want Chat, then what about Adrien?"

"Adrien only ever began to actually see me. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know what happened."

"If you choose Luka, you would have to move away."

"I'm already considering his offer. Maybe it is good for us to start over."

"What about Chat?"

"What about him?"

"You can't just take his child from him after he just found out." Tikki's pitch got louder.

"Well he can't just come back at join us after he found out. I'm not that evil to take him away. He can always visit us at New York or when we visit over summer breaks."

"Are you sure you even want this Marinette? You will be leaving Paris, your friends and your parents."

"I'm still thinking, Tikki." Marinette mumbled out as she went back to focusing on the sun that was fully up in the sky now.


Marinette quickly snapped from her trimmer at the voice. Her son was trying to sit upwards. She quickly pushed out of the chair and towards her little child who was finally awake.

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