Chapter 36: Fortune Cookie

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Marinette had immediately laughed at the sight of the blond man carrying two bags in his hands and the third in his mouth.

"Mgfff" Adrien glared at her as she couldn't stop giggling.

"I'm sorry I just can't help it." Marinette felt bad and quickly grabbed the two bags he was carrying in his hands to help him. Adrien let go of the third bag out of his mouth.

"Sorry I was late. It was very cold outside, but I picked out some Chinese takeout on the way."

"Oh my god, it's even from my favorite restaurant. How did you know?" she invited him into her home going straight for the kitchen. "I might have asked Alya" he looked at her sheepishly. "She told me what to get since I wasn't sure what you preferred."

"Thank you Adrien. That's so thoughtful of you. This little one wanted to wait for you to say hi. He went way past his bedtime and absolutely refused to go to sleep."

Hugo was rather calmer in greeting Adrien this time. He hugged him warmly while he yawned cutely. He looked very sleepy.

"I'll go put this little troublemaker in his bed. You can wait in the living room and start on the food if you'd like. It shouldn't be too long tho. He's usually down in a couple of minutes." Marinette assured.

"Of course," he nodded. "I'll wait here."

"Good night uncle Adrien." The boy gave him one last warm hug and then ran to his room fast.

Marinette went after Hugo, smiling warmly at the exchange. She changed Hugo into his pajamas and tucked him into his warm bed gently with his favorite stuffed toy. "Mama?" Marinette hummed gently as she caressed his soft cheeks.

"What wrong kitten?" she whispered.

"I like uncle Adrien. Can we keep him?" Marinette laughed at her son's goofy request.

"Hugo. Adrien is not like one of your stuffed toys, baby. We can't just keep him. He will, however, be around us like uncle Luka." She bopped her son's nose. "Now off to sleep mister. You are way over your bed time."

She sat on corner of the bed for a minute or two, listening to the soft breaths her child made once he settled down.

She brushed the hair out of his eyes gently and kissed his temple lovingly then left the room.

When Marinette went back, Adrien had his back to her as he looked curiously at the photos. "He's asleep."

Adrien jumped surprised and looked at her wildly. "Every time I come here for some reason, I get fascinated by these photos. It's wonderful to see all these special moments, yet sad that I missed them all." He smiled sadly.

"And that's why we will all make new ones together. You didn't miss that much. We would have eventually split for university. We are 24 now with lots of time." Marinette placed her hand on his shoulder assuring. Both smiled sadly at each other.

Adrien continued to phase through the photos while Marinette unpacked the food.

"Mmm Orange chicken. My favorite" He snapped back to Marinette opening the bags and reaching out to get some plates. "Oh don't bother with those. I'm fine with eating out of the takeout boxes.

"Mr Agreste eating out of the boxes themselves? No way." Marinette laughed at his annoyed face as he moved towards the living room where she was setting the food.

Marinette pointed to the corner where a big bookshelf resided occupied with lots of fun-looking games. "You know where to go by now. Just pick out something. I'm fine with whatever."

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