Chapter 12: Desire

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After making sure his mother was asleep, he snuck out quietly through the hall and into the streets of Paris, looking at every man walking, for his father. No plan in mind.


Adrien woke up on the cold lair floor where he last lay. It was darker in the lair than when he had laid to sleep. Plagg was the first thing he saw in the darkness of the room. "Hey Plagg, how long was I asleep for? Why didn't you wake up."

"Two hours kid. You sure looked like you really needed it." Adrien yawned and stretched

"I think what I really need is some fresh air, this room is too........dark."

"You know the words kid." Plagg smirked. Even though he always acted annoyed he would do anything to save that kid.

"Plagg claws out" Chat jumped out through the lair's broken window into the open streets.

Throughout the patrol he could not stop his wandering thoughts. Although he knew Marinette's child wasn't his, he still couldn't get the idea of a child with Ladybug out of his head. He'd thought about that night everyday for years, never forgetting a single detail of it, the feeling of her hot skin against his, the innocent yet desirable look in her eyes and the pleasure he felt, but ever since visiting Marinette and seeing her child he'd had trouble knowing that Hugo wasn't his.

As he viewed the streets of Paris, he noticed a small lonely boy who looked like he was about six or seven in age, wearing black pants and a hoodie. Chat was about to go to him until he saw a man approaching the boy, Chat thought the man was his father and was about to leave until he saw the boy backing away fearfully. He went closer to investigate. That man can be a kidnapper for all he knew.

"Hey little boy. What's wrong?" the boy looked feared so he directed his next question to the man instead "I don't know. I was on my way home then I saw him out here alone."

Chat thanked the man politely. "Well have a good night. Nice to have you back Chat Noir." the man smiled softly, leaving chat and Hugo alone.

He moved closer to the boy holding his hands "Hey little boy. You look lost. Where are your parents?"

The boy turned to face him "I'm fine. I'm just looking for my dad." Chat smiled trying to comfort the boy "How does he look like?"

"He has green eyes like mine". Chat Noir sighed and knelt in front of the little boy.

"Is there anything else you know about your dad that you can tell me to help me find him? What about his height or hair colour?"
The boy fidgeted with his feet "I don't know anything other than that I have his eyes," he said, "I have my mom's hair so I don't know what color my dad has. but I know he has to be in Paris somewhere. "

"I know that I should not be out late, but that's okay because you're a superhero you'll help me search right?" said the boy with mastered cute puppy eyes.

Chat sighed "But if you don't know anything about him then it will be hard to find him in a big city like Paris." Hugo then removed the hood of his head.

Chat instantly recognized him. "Marinette." Chat whispered, eyes wide. Hugo looked at Chat smiling excitedly "You know my mom?"

He shook his head yes "Oh yea, we are old friends. She must be really worried right now. Let's get you home."

"I can't, I snuck out." Adrien remembered the times he snuck out as chat to get away from his life as Adrien or when his dad grounded him, he looked into the boys hopeless big green eyes.

"Okay, how about we make a deal? We'll eat ice cream then I'll take you back home okay?"
The boy then cheered hugging him, chat just chuckled at his reaction and carried towards Andres ice cream.

Chat bought two cups of ice cream and went towards the bench were Hugo sat, they both sat silently eating their ice cream then Hugo finally broke the silence "How do you know my mom?"

Chat scratched behind his neck, "We used to run a lot into each other when we were younger." "Oh," he replied, The sparkle returned to Hugo's eyes. "Then you can help me find my daddy!"

"Uh I'm guessing your mom doesn't know you're out here, does she?" he asked, glancing over at the little boy. Hugo fidgeted with his fingers nervously reminding him of how Marinette used to do that back then when she got nervous Hugo sighed, "No, but if she knew she'd never let me look. I want to find him."

"Why do you think that?" Marinette looked like she had control over being a single parent. "I can see she's sad without him. She does not say anything. She's lonely and misses him, but she just doesn't want to admit it." Chats was filled with confusion. Wasn't Hugo a result of a one-night stand? How could Marinette miss him, she said she did not even know him?

He sighed, "I should take you home before she catches you out of your bed and has a heart attack."
"She's sleeping. I was very quiet. I don't think she knows I'm gone." He finished off his ice-cream and got up to throw it away. "It's not good to sneak out." Chat tried to sound stern, but it did not work as Hugo began giggling lightly.

"Paris is too dangerous for you to run around all by yourself at night. You need an adult." Hugo tugged on Chat's leg. "But I do have a superhero to protect me, right? You're an adult. You'll keep me safe." Then he tugged on Chat's arm pulling him behind. "Hugo it's time to go back home." Hugo frowned "I haven't found my dad yet."

Chat knew he will not give up easily. "How about I take you home now and I promise you I'll come pick you up in exactly a week." Hugo jumped up and down hugging him tightly.

"Thankyou." He finally let Chat carry him onto his back to take him back home.

Chat landed at Marinette's balcony and put the child down. Hugo waved goodbye and as he was about to enter, Chat wanted him to promise him something. "Hugo promise me you won't tell your mom about me okay?" "Why?" "I don't think your mom will appreciate you going at night, even if it's with a superhero. Let's keep it our secret for now." 'Your mom wouldn't let you if she knew about me.' was the real reason. Hugo smiled and extended his pinkie "I won't, I promise." Hugo opened the balcony door slowly and got in, closing the curtains behind him.

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