Not a new part, just a question.

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Hello my dear readers! No, I'm not dead, although im sure if you knew me in person, you'd probably kill me for not updating in.............months? Yes, i'm pissed at myself too, but life has been crazy filled with applications, work, and currently moving to the other side of the world. 

Some of you know that I have this story published elsewhere too, and one thing that has gotten my attention in the comments is the amount of "Luka let her go too easily.", "We would have liked to see Luka vs Adrien Jealousy.", "Luka should have fought harder.", and "We need more drama." 

I have thought about this a lot recently and after re-reading the story, I found myself skipping or being too general in some story events. 

I too now think that I needed to develop this story differently which is why i'm going to ask you now, would you like me to edit my published story parts to add new events and details? Should I add a couple of chapters before the reveal and after that involves Luka events more? 

I went into a faze recently after reading books in my English class that made me realize an author is the most evil human being on earth. They have the power to take a happy/innocent story and kill the characters in the very last line of the story.

I'm thinking of turning one of the characters possessive or evil. Might be Luka or Lila. A kidnapping, temporary death, and bringing back other miraculous users. What do you guys think? I'm taking requests and suggestions on what you guys want to see so don't spare them.

What do you guys want to see more of? And should I edit and expand on the previous chapters?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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