Chapter 30: Viperion

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For Luka, life had been hectic in the past 4 years. Being a young boy who just strung his guitar with different melodies at 16 to being a full known singer in America is something else.

Paris was not like New York. Although they both shared the point where both cities were full of life at night. As soon as he stepped foot onto their ground, he was determined. He had left the most precious thing to his heart back in Paris for this. His melody.

The first three months he'd spent in New York had been the toughest. Late nights and cups of coffees at the recording studio. Him and Marinette hadn't texted much. The best moment in his life tho, was when Marinette sent him a video of her and Hugo vining to his song as she put him to bed. Along with the video she had wrote "Me and baby Hugh are very proud of you."

The late nights in the studios weren't a problem anymore. He spent every spare minute composing, singing and giving his best to get his name out there. His name made the music record list with sixty million views a year later. Marinette Dupain Cheng had been the reason behind all of him.

Late night messages for him were his favorite moments. With the time difference between them, he always made sure to video chat whenever he could. Marinette filled him in on every precious moment baby Hugo went through.

Although they had agreed on keeping their label strictly as friends, Luka Coffaine arrived to Paris in December with a deep desire in his heart and a box in his pants pocket where he had saved his first hit song earnings for the special thing that would tie them together soon if she would agree.

Marinette was the first to invite him over to her house. There would be lots of time to spend with her outside, he was excited to see Hugo tho.

Seeing that child open the door for him  jabbed something in Luka. Last time he had personally seen him was the day he walked his first steps. Although not his child, Luka had a special spot for him.

"Hey, Hugo." Luka bent down to the child's level to hug him in which the child quickly returned. "How are you doing? Where is Marinette?"

Luka pointed excitedly to an American style kitchen where he could see Marinette stirring something that smelt delicious on the stove. "Hey Luka." Marinette greeted.

Luka placed Hugo on the kitchen counter to peek at the pot Marinette stirred. "Mmm that smells great."

"I made us all some spaghetti. I hope you like it." Marinette smiled. "I think i'll be eating all of that thankyou very much." Marinette snorted at his grin.

"I got something for Hugo." Luka passed the bag he was holding to the young one to open. "I hope you like it."

Hugo's eyes immediately lit up upon seeing what was in the bag. It was the new videogame he has been wanting in a while as well as a huge assortment of mouth watering candies.

"You didn't have to do that Luka." Marinette smiled as she saw the excitement on Hugo's face.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou uncle Luka. I love it! Mom can we play with this right now?"

"No Hugh. We need to eat dinner right now. You can play with it tomorrow if you want."

Hugo pouted as Luka laughed at the young one. "Listen to your mom little one."

"Fine, but can I play it with uncle Adrien when he comes over next time for video games?"

"Sure bud. Now go sit on the dinner table. the faster we finish dinner, the faster you'll get to eat those treats."

"Adrien comes here?" Luka asked as Marinette put the spaghetti into the waiting dishes. "He came here once for video games and we all went out once for pizza after work."

"Hugo seems to like him."

"Yea he does."  Luka helped Marinette carry the plates over to the dinner table where Hugo was still admiring the video game in front of him.

"How is your school Hugo?" Luka clearly wanted to start a conversation with the little boy. "It's good. We are learning about superheroes!"

"That's cool! What superhero do you like?" Luka was immediately engaged in the topic with a high lever of curiosity.

"I like them all. Chat Noirs costume is the best. They are so cool! I wish I can be a superhero some day." Hugo gushed out.

"Do you like Viperion?" Luka asked. "I like him. His hair looks so nice. Like yours!" Marinette and Luka shared discreet smiles as they glanced at Hugo.

Luka wanted to laugh at the irony. What would happen if he knew that Viperion and ladybug currently sat in front of him or that his mother is the greatly loved hero.

"What about you Marinette. You're workings the Agreste company now I see."

"Yes, I am. Adrien was kind enough to give me a good spot there."

"How do you like it?" Luka asked as he shoved yet another fork full of the heavenly dinner.

"I love it, makes me feel right at home. Although we do have a lot of stress this time of the year. There's a fashion show in three weeks we're all preparing for."

"That's awesome. You've always wanted to work for Gabriel. I'm sure your designs will be great!" The rest of the dinner was spent chattering about Luka's concerts and life in New York.

Luka helped Marinette with the dishes generously. Marinette was happy seeing the two boys bond. She had talked to Hugo about Luka his whole childhood. She never expected however, the quick bonding they fell through the first time they've seen each other in years.

"Hugo isn't the only one I got presents for, you know. I got something for you too. My manager called me a few days ago for an offering. Although I wanted to take this time strictly out of work, it seems as he had arranged a concert for me in two days. It's a chance to have my first concert in Paris."

"Wow Luka! That's great!" Marinette gushed.

"I got you 5 tickets for front row seats for whoever you wish to bring along. I hope you can make it." Luka placed a white envelope where the tickets resided on the coffee table.

"You know I'll be there." Marinette assured him as she already knew who'd she bring along. she just hopped they'd be free to have yet another friendly time.

"Well then, I guess it's getting late out. I need to go." Luka stood smiling at Hugo. "I hope i'll see you little one soon."

Marinette accompanied Luka up to the door with a smile at the great evening they had spent together.

"I couldn't give you this in front of Hugo but, There is someone who really wanted to see you." She reached out from behind where Tikki and passed him a familiar black box with the red carvings on top.

"Sass." Luka said in awe. "You can have it for the time you're spending your n Paris. I've been very lonely on patrols you know." Marinette winked at him. Luka laughed as he shook his head.

"I'll meet you out on patrol soon." Luka promised. He didn't open the box yet, waiting to do so at the hotel.

The duo ended the evening with a hug and a wave up till Luka left her driveway.

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