Chapter 47: Breaking The News

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For the next week since that night, Marinette and Adrien had chose to keep the whole reveal a secret from their family, friends and the media. Adrien spent all his time with his family until Marinette gave up trying to make him sleep at the mansion at night since he always turned up on her balcony with the same puppy eyes and adorable smile.

Marinette stepped in and put her foot down when he wanted to drive her to and from work saying that they should not raise the employees suspicions if they saw them. So instead, Adrien would arrive a full ten minutes early to his office while Marinette drove Hugo to school (another thing Marinette hadn't allowed him to do.). He would meet up with her as soon as she arrived to her office every morning until she would have to kick him out her office. Her secretary always gave her a smile she couldn't comprehend, but so far no one knew about them. No one knew what was happening on the last floor of the company where the boss and  his head designer resided.

For the fourth morning in a row, Adrien woke up to the scent of fresh vanilla and everything a person might want to smell in the morning. Once his eyes opened and adjusted to the lighting, he was met with a blob of midnight hair tickling his nose. The scent of her shampoo wafted at his nose. He propped himself onto his hand for a better view. The small clock on her bedside table showed that it was eight in the morning.

There was nothing better to wake up to, except for the woman of his dreams wearing the most relaxed expression while she slept.

Adrien smiled as he took in their position. Marinette was spooned into his chest, her head was tucked under his chin, her nose touching the crook of his neck and her hand was over his torso. His fingers trailed softly up her arm to move the hair covering over her eyes and mouth. His fingers itched to trace all of her facial features, and they did. His finger went to explore the map of paradise starting with her jawline.

In all the years he remembered, Adrien had never slept better than today. The bed was soft and comfy unlike all the royal beds his father always had in every bedroom of their house .

His fingers went up to trace the outline of the ear and over the bridge of her nose. She was perfect. She was everything he ever wanted. She was what he desperately needed. His fingers itched to go through her locks. Would she wake up?

Bad move. Adrien felt Marinette's hand on top of his where it resided in her hair. She pulled it out in front of her and hugged it with both hands to her chest. She started mumbling incoherently for a minute, but then blinked and looked his way. Her face immediately broke into a smile after meeting his eyes and he melted. The Adrien Agreste melted.

"Hey." He breathed out at the angelic sight in front of him. Only she could do this to him.

"Good morning." She smiled wider, her arm stretching up and then came down fast my to cover her yawn. "Sleep well?"

"Better than I ever did." He assured and it truly was.

She pushed herself up from the bed with one hand to better look at him. "How long were you staring at me? Why didn't you wake me up?" Marinette asked.

"Not too long before you. You looked too cute to be woken up." He gently took her hand to pull her back down gently to where she was. Only she.

A pair of small legs padded across the hall to where they resided not moments after. Marinette and Adrien didn't have time to fix their positions before they had Hugo barge in excitedly.

"Good morning!" the door hit the wall from the force exerted by the little one. Adrien laughed as his son joined in the middle of the bed between them. He took his turn first in nuzzling his adorable face with his cheek. Something defiantly a cat would do. Hugo fell into giggles. Adrien grinned as his hands began tickling his tummy and Hugo fell full on laughing. "S-stop" he breathed out.

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