Chapter 12

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The Descent


I wake up to the sound of the front door opening and closing. I flutter my eyes open and using my vamp hearing to hear it's Elena coming in, I can hear her walking past my bedroom and going into Stefan's.

I'm obviously happy to see my baby bro in love and all that jazz but I don't want to hear it. I get out of bed and make my way over to my bathroom. I turn on the shower, while it's warming up I put some music on. It's literally impossible for me to have a shower without having some music on.

After my shower, I get out and wrap a towel round me. I walk over to the sink and start brushing my teeth, while still brushing my teeth I walk back into my bedroom and pick out what to wear. I decide to wear a white top, blue jeans and some brown heels. I walk back into the bathroom to change. I dry my hair and leave it hanging in it's natural wave.

Once I'm all ready I put on some jewellery and make my way back into my bedroom. I look up and see Damon standing by my window looking out in a day dream.

"Why don't my brothers ever knock? You know, you could have walked in on me indecent." I say sarcastically.

Damon turns around and looks at me, he looks distressed.

I frown at his facial expression, "What's up?"

Damon sighs and starts to walk towards me, "It's Rose. The bite never healed."

"I thought you said it disappeared like normal wounds do?" I ask confused.

"It did, at first. But last night, it's spread. It's halfway across her shoulder, she's been getting hot and cold flushes all night and this morning. It's like she has the flu. Blood seems to help though." Damon says, he looks worried. It's obvious he cares for Rose, but it's not like he would ever admit it.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"She's downstairs, in the library."

"Okay, come on." I say as I start to walk out my bedroom.

We go down to the basement and grab Rose a blood bag. I grab one for myself too and pour it into a glass.

We walk into the library and see Rose sat by the fire, shivering. Her skin is paler than usual, she has dark circles under her eyes and specs of sweat are all over her face.

"Hey." I say softly as I walk up to her, "You okay?"

Rose doesn't look up, she continues to stare into the fireplace, "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old."

"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." Damon says as he walks over with a blood bag.

Rose laughs softly, "So I can die. I've lived long enough."

I sit beside Rose and smirk at her, "You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery."

Damon pours some blood into a glass, "Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite."

Rose laughs, "Just a little, fatal to a vampire werewolf bite."

"Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source." Damon says, he holds out the glass of blood to Rose, "Drink up."

I smile at Rose, "Blood heals."

Rose drinks the blood and nods lightly, "Yeah, it does feel like it's working."

"Let's have a look, come on. Let me see." Damon says.

I stand up from where I'm sitting to let Damon sit and take a look at the bite. My mouth opens slightly in shock at the sight of the bite mark, it's spread across Rose's back. It looks like a burn, it's all blistered, bloody and looks like a huge infection.

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